Megyn Kelly sounded the alarm on this terrifying belief taking hold of Democrats
The Democrat Party has gone completely off of the rails.
They’re embracing ideas that were once unthinkable in American society.
And Megyn Kelly sounded the alarm on this terrifying belief taking hold of Democrats. Democrats have become increasingly totalitarian since former President Donald Trump took office.
They know they can’t win the battle of political ideas so they embraced silencing their political opponents.
The country is drifting into banana republic territory with the Left’s political opponents targeted by the legal system and censored.
RealClear OpinionResearch conducted a poll on free speech and censorship that discovered a staggering amount of support for it among Democrats.The poll found that 47% of Democrats think that free speech should be legal “only under certain circumstances” compared to nearly 75% of Republicans.
Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly weighed in on social media with a simple message about the battle over free speech.
“This is what we’re up against,” Kelly wrote, responding to the results of the poll.
The poll found more disturbing results about the growing support for tyranny among Democrats. 34% of Democrats said that Americans “have too much freedom.”
A staggering 75% of Democrats thought that the government should censor “hateful” social media posts.
Hate speech has become the catch-all smear for conservative speech that challenges left-wing ideas that paints the target for censorship by Big Tech.
The government censoring hate speech on social media would turn into state-sanctioned censorship of conservatives in short order.
The poll found that only 31% of Democrats “strongly agreed” with the statement “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Free speech is one of the bedrock principles of the Constitution and for a free and functioning society.
Democrats are increasingly in favor of having the government or corporations like Big Tech muzzle their political opponents.
The problem of growing support for censorship is only going to get worse as the younger generations get older.
RealClear OpinionResearch also found that the strongest support for censorship is among Millennials and Gen-Z.
“Those under 30 are most open to censorship by the government,” pollster Spencer Kimball said.
Poll after poll shows that a huge majority of Democrats no longer support free speech and welcome censorship.
Federalist CEO Sean Davis said that the poll was a sign Democrats are intent on destroying the Constitutional system.
“The Democrat party is openly embracing tyranny and the destruction of our constitutional order,” Davis wrote. “They hate the Bill of Rights. They favor jailing their opponents and banning them from ballots. They detest the rule of law. If they are not stopped, this country is over.”
Free speech and censorship will continue to be a major political battle because of the totalitarian impulses taking root on the Left.