Wednesday, September 27, 2023

I call out to you most Holy Spirit, Please spread your wings upon this Internet gather among us those in need. (Writer Unknown)

 I call out to you most Holy Spirit,

Please spread your wings upon this Internet
gather among us those in need.
So many are in need of your gentle but firm touch.
your guidance upon our shoulders
are trust in you a need in us
Please take us from this world of wicked ways'
for we are become stranger's in a world of lies and distrust.
Please bring us to rest oh Holy Spirit of Father God. Please
A time is coming when we as your children
will and can no longer communicate by the air of this special place.
Children of God will be taken or those left behind will be hunted.
I ask you my Dear and well loved Friend oh Holy Spirit of mine.
A gift from Your Death & Resurrection of my Lord & King Christ Jesus.
The time of Sorrows has begun and there is no turning back what has know begun.
I call upon those who read these words to join with me
in prayer and in word and in deed.
for the time to come has begun this day to make contact, make planes to be free.
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