TRANSCRIPT: Can You Be a Liberal and a Christian at the Same Time? Welcome to the American Faith and Freedom Podcast. I'm Jim McCraigh. These days it seems like every liberal and leftist out there wants to shame and destroy anyone who doesn't share their wrong-headed view of what the Bible identifies as sin. Their mode of operation is to punish or cancel anyone who doesn't accept their worldview of right and wrong. They spew a type of doublethink that results in good being called evil and evil being called good. They live in a self-imposed world devoid of any absolute truth. Liberals seek the approval of man rather than that of God. Our identity as Christians is to be found only in Christ as His follower and not look to the approval of others. A product of the world and its darkness, liberalism, and leftism seek to promote and defend all manner of evil choices as if everything people do should be tolerated, even celebrated, except for those who disagree with them. As Christians, our purpose must be to follow what God has taught us, even if it means being shunned or ridiculed by people around us. We must not let the fear of not being accepted by others cause us to give our silent approval to that which we know to be sinful. All beliefs are not equal or righteous before God. With all that said, here are six reasons why one cannot be a true Christian and a liberal at the same time. The current liberal leftist mindset favors loosening and not enforcing laws against drug trafficking and drug use. Beginning in the late 1960s, these liberal policies began to decriminalize and even condone recreational drug use in the United States. As a result, heroin and fentanyl use have become more widespread, leading to increased crime, that destroys entire neighborhoods, especially in our inner cities. Today, the current opioid epidemic kills over 65,000 people in America every year. Continued liberal and leftist proposals to loosen drug laws and decrease drug law enforcement only serve to destroy lives. As Christians, we must prayerfully work to help protect our fellow citizens from the scourge of drugs. The current liberal mindset seeks to divide people based on their race, which ignores the fact that God created all men equal and in His image. The Christian Bible teaches that all people who have ever lived are descendants of Adam and Eve. We are all of the same race, the human race. Race is a human construct, not a godly one. The current liberal mindset favors abortion, including late-term procedures up to birth or even after. What's more disturbing is that some liberals won't even support so-called born-alive legislation. Liberals and leftists look to attack and destroy the very definitions of life and personhood. The Christian position on abortion is just the opposite… Abortion is murder, a horrendous sin, and it can only be justified when the life of the mother is at risk of certain death. And of course, anyone who has had an abortion can repent of it before God. The current liberal mindset favors open borders. In 1967, we had a perfectly good Bracero program of Mexican migrant labor that was eliminated by leftist liberal Democrats. Desperate workers began illegally crossing the southern border to find work, often remaining rather than returning and risking another dangerous crossing. Leftists openly disregard the consequences of illegal border crossings that include human trafficking, child abuse, extortion, rape, drug smuggling, and criminality among some percentage of illegals. This is not in line with God's command to Christians that we love our neighbor as ourselves. You don't do that to a person you love. The current liberal mindset increasingly favors LGBTQ agenda items, which can be defined as homosexuality plus extreme leftism. This has purposely pitted gays, lesbians, and transgenders against everybody else. There can be no honest, biblical interpretation that affirms homosexual behavior in any form. There's not one syllable of scripture that condones or supports homosexual behavior. You cannot be a Christian and a liberal leftist at the same time. The current liberal mindset increasingly favors a big socialist government that promises to take care of people who are oppressed. And the effect of this is to undermine the church's role in this by taking more and more away by way of taxes and redistributing that wealth in ways that meet their political ends. versus true charity that comes from prayerful giving at the local church level. Jesus was not at all politically correct. He didn't mince words. He spoke boldly, even as his words caused offense and anger. He did not ignore sin nor condone it by remaining silent just to fit in. With these things in mind, you cannot be a liberal and a Christian at the same time. It is our duty as Christians not to judge or punish liberals, but to stand firm in our faith and be a light unto the world that God would have us be. Until next time, I'm Jim McCraigh. … Invite your friends and earn rewardsIf you enjoy American Faith & Freedom, share it with your friends and earn rewards when they subscribe. |