First Liberty is stepping in to defend Auburn Football Coach Hugh Freeze.
Anti-religion groups are coming hard after Coach Freeze. Why? Because he went to “Unite Auburn,” an after-hours worship gathering where hundreds of students were baptized. They’re especially upset because he participated in one of his player’s baptism. To be clear, the student asked Coach Freeze if he would help baptize him.
Again, activists are inventing a problem where one doesn’t exist. If you follow recent headlines and college football, you probably heard them rattle off talking points about government, coercion and the Constitution.
Our opponents can’t seem to grasp the concept that football coaches have constitutional rights. What Coach Freeze did is NOT unconstitutional. It’s not “coercion” or “establishing” a religion. That’s just a football coach exercising his rights and supporting students.
You know that for years our opponents argued that Coach Joe Kennedy didn’t have a right to pray on the field. But they were wrong, and their arguments fell flat. The U.S. Supreme Court correctly held in Kennedy v. Bremerton that government may not single out religious speech.
Even still, the enemies of faith won’t accept that they lost this battle at the highest court in America. For some reason, they think they can get away with illegally blocking the Constitution.
That isn’t going to happen on our watch. Coach Freeze has a constitutional right to express his faith. And First Liberty is fighting to make sure his liberty is not stripped away.
To you, our faithful, supporter: You helped First Liberty achieve major Supreme Court victories. Those triumphs made it clear that just because you’re a public employee, this doesn’t mean your constitutional rights are suspended. Our enemies, however, are fighting us harder than ever before. They don’t want us to keep winning. For you and for us, this means we have work to do. A LOT of work.
We can’t sit by as a few roaming complainers defy the Supreme Court.
First Liberty is counting on your support. Americans like Coach Freeze are counting on us. Let’s get to work, take on the challenges and win even more legal battles across the country to enforce a proper understanding of the Constitution. |