Photo by Patrick Fore from Unsplash

The government’s attacks on pro-life activists continue to ramp up.

But they are starting to run into problems with their vendetta.That’s why the police apologized for arresting a woman twice for praying near abortion mill and you’ll never guess what happened next.

British police recently announced they have decided not to press charges against a pro-life activist for praying silently outside an abortion mill.

No further action will be taken

In a recent statement, the law firm ADF UK reported that West Midlands Police in Birmingham, England, won’t be pressing charges against pro-life activist Isabel Vaughan-Spruce for silently praying outside an abortion mill.

Not only that, the police have actually apologized to her for arresting her on two separate occasions for praying.And the police also vowed that “there will be no further investigation into the alleged matter, and there will be no further action taken.”

Vaughan-Spruce reacted to the news by saying, “I welcome West Midlands Police’s decision to end their investigation and their apology for the time it took to do so, but it’s important to highlight the extremely harmful implications of this ordeal not just for myself, but for everyone concerned with fundamental freedoms in the U.K.”

She added, “What happened to me signals to others that they, too, could face arrest, interrogation, investigation, and potential prosecution if caught exercising their basic freedom of thought.”

“Now that authorities have twice settled on the conclusion that silent prayer is not a crime — a conclusion also reached by the Home Secretary last week — I am thankful to resume my practice of praying silently for women in crisis pregnancies,” she added.

Fundamental freedoms are under assault

But the real problem is that Vaughan-Spruce was targeted and arrested in the first place.

This shows the real dangers to freedom around the world.As Vaughan-Spruce’s lawyer, ADF UK Legal Counsel Jeremiah Igunnubole, put it, “The arduous process of this criminal ordeal has been the punishment for Isabel.”

Additionally, Igunnubole said Vaughan-Spruce’s experience is proof that “fundamental freedoms are vulnerable in the U.K.”

He also stressed there is an “urgent need for legal changes to stem the tide of policing by politics.”

And the lawyer said he hopes “the decision from West Midlands Police that they will not prosecute free thought, alongside the Home Secretary’s public commitment to protecting silent prayer, will be reflected in legislation, guidance, and practice.”

It looks like that may be the case, at least based on recent comments.

U.K. Home Secretary Suella Braverman recently sent out a letter stating that “silent prayer, within itself, is not unlawful” and that “holding lawful opinions … is not a criminal offense.”Only time will tell if the Home Secretary’s assertions will hold up, but the recent actions by the police are a good sign.

Now if only police department’s and the Biden DOJ will take notice of what is going on “across the pond” and decide to restore freedom of speech here in the U.S. too.

Pro-Life Press will keep you up-to-date on any developments to this ongoing story.