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Each Thursday on The End Times Chronicles Substack channel, we will be posting some of the more popular episodes of Jack the Journey Adventures. To listen to all 130 episodes in chronological order, visit Jack’s website. Today, Jack is given the honor of watching Gabriel take action against Captain Book’s False Prophet. Gabriel leaned down and whispered into Jack’s ear and told him to be focused on the Lion of Judah that is within Jack and that no harm can come to anyone who has the Lion of Judah inside them. GABRIEL FRONTS THE FALSE PROPHETKey Identifiers:
NARRATOR: In Jack’s last adventure, he and the Archangel Gabriel encountered a dark force that was approaching the gold brick road. Jack was given the responsibility of guarding the indwelt believers who were standing on the gold brick road. Jack was very focused. He wanted to keep his mission and do exactly what Gabriel asked him to do. There was one particular man in the group who kept turning to look at the dark force in the dark forest. Jack confronted this man telling him to keep his eyes fixed upon the gold brick road, and if he did not, he would turn into a pillar of salt. JACK: Gabriel, that dark force is getting closer and closer to the gold brick road. I’m not sure if this is a good idea or not. I do trust you, I really do, but I don’t know. Being responsible for these people, I’m unsure what that dark force will do. I’ve seen him try to do lots of things that are very evil, but are we going to have to go through a battle? NARRATOR: Gabriel again leaned down and whispered into Jack’s ear and told him to be focused on the Lion of Judah that is within him, and that no harm can come to anyone who has the Lion of Judah inside them. But, as Jack has realized in the past, the Lion of Judah allows his indwelt believers to experience a great deal of darkness and to be warring against the enemy. This I think, is what Jack was fearing. After Gabriel reminded Jack to stay focused on the Lion of Judah and do what he is supposed to do, and that is to guard the indwelt believers, he told him to have his sword ready, because this could really break out into a sword-on-sword battle. As Jack retained his focus on protecting the indwelt believers on the gold brick road, he looked up just a little bit to see that Gabriel pointed his sword directly toward the dark force. He told Jack that this would be a war of words, but Jack wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. As the Archangel Gabriel pointed his sword at this dark force, the dark force drew his razor-sharp sword and pointed it directly at Gabriel. Out of the mouth of this dark force that was now very close to the gold brick road, he spoke these words: DARK FORCE: I am not afraid of you, Gabriel. I know that there’s nothing you can do to me but throw a bunch of your fancy words at me. I am the one that rules the entire dark forest with words. But you need to know I also have the power to call upon my forces to battle this little Jack and certainly battle you with your words. NARRATOR: Gabriel, of course, was not bothered at all by these dark words. But as this dark force was continuing to threaten Gabriel, Jack was wondering in his mind, “Is Gabriel ever going to speak?” Jack couldn’t really remember what Gabriel sounded like when he spoke. He’s heard Michael the Archangel. He’s heard the Lion of Judah. He’s even heard the voice of the Father in the city of Zion, but what exactly did the Archangel Gabriel sound like? Well, this dark force was in for a little bit of a surprise because the voice that came forth from Gabriel was actually the voice of the Lion of Judah, proving that Gabriel was 100% dependent on the Lion of Judah just like Jack was. With Gabriel’s sword pointed directly at this dark force, all of sudden, a beam of light came out the end of his sword, and it literally lit up the entire ground and air around this dark force exposing him to the light. Jack knew that this sword was the sword of the Spirit, the word of truth. Very quickly, in Jack’s mind, he could understand what was going on, for he knew that it was Truth that would dispel or chase away the darkness. Then the dark force began to speak his lies. DARK FORCE: Oh, Gabriel, you amuse me. You refer to these indwelt believers like they’re beloveds—ones that you love or this Lion of Judah loves. But all these people standing next to the gold brick road, they know how much I love them. They are my beloved. They listen to me. They love my words. They have learned to believe and listen carefully to all of my spirits, but these people that are on the gold brick road have always questioned me except for that one man; yes, that one man in the blue shirt. I have his heart. The rest of them have been wondering if I am a false prophet. A false prophet! How can a man be a false prophet if he can foretell the truth? And I have the ability to look into the future and speak of things to come. You, oh Gabriel, you and your submission to this Lion of Judah annoy me. You don’t even know what leadership is. Leadership requires people to obey and even to hate. There is great motivation in hatred. Don’t you know that? Whereas this love that you give them, I don’t see motivation; I see dependence, and that’s a weakness. If you want to be strong, you must, absolutely must, not be dependent. NARRATOR: The look on Gabriel's face was peaceful. He was not even bothered a little bit as to what this dark force was saying. This all was being heard by Jack. And Jack has always been taught to keep a focus, whether it’s upon the Lion of Judah, or whether it’s upon Gabriel, or upon Michael the Archangel, he’s to keep his eyes fixed on them. It brought great peace to Jack to know that Gabriel wasn’t being bothered at all. There was no emotion being stirred in Gabriel, but Jack did notice that Gabriel was about to open his mouth… Listen to the full audio podcast for the rest of the story. Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. Paid subscribers receive free eBooks, media content, and other free stuff.Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? 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