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#10 | 2025 Predictions - Middle East Goes NuclearMIDDLE EAST NUCLEAR THREATS: Israel will face overwhelming threats from multiple fronts, with its military and defense systems unable to repel the onslaught of nuclear threat.A BIBLICAL-SIZED NUCLEAR WAR:Revelation 20:9: "And they marched up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, but fire came down from heaven and consumed them."The specter of nuclear destruction remains one of the gravest threats facing our world today. As nations grapple with complex geopolitical tensions and the ever-present risk of escalation, the potential for catastrophic consequences looms large. The probability of a Middle East country waging a nuclear threat on Israel is a complex and highly probable issue. Iran, in particular, has been a focal point of concern due to its nuclear ambitions and support for militant groups like Hezbollah. The geopolitical tensions in the region, coupled with Iran's advancements in missile technology and nuclear capabilities, have raised alarms about the potential for nuclear conflict. Read on for more… Listen to the podcast version: Israel Left DefenselessThe Biblical reality of Israel being left defenseless in the end is a chilling scenario that underscores the gravity of geopolitical tensions in the Middle East.Zechariah 12:3: "On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it." In such a prophecy, Israel will face overwhelming threats from multiple fronts, with its military and defense systems unable to repel the onslaught. This vulnerability will lead to devastating consequences for the nation and its people, highlighting the critical importance of international support, strategic alliances, and robust defense measures to ensure Israel's security and stability will never come. The reality of being defenseless serves as a stark reminder of the need for authentic believers in Christ to remain vigilant in praying for their motherland - ISRAEL. THE MIDDLE EAST PROBABILITIESEzekiel 38:8-9 (ESV): "After many days you will be mustered. In the latter years, you will go against the land that is restored from war, the land whose people were gathered from many peoples upon the mountains of Israel, which had been a continual waste. Its people were brought out from the peoples and now dwell securely, all of them. You will advance, coming on like a storm. You will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your hordes and many peoples with you." In 2024, when the geopolitical landscape in the Middle East shifted dramatically, Israel found itself isolated and rejected by the world’s nations. “Jew-hating” increased to its highest level since the days of Hitler. In fact, a Biblical prophecy was initiated, which opened the door for a prophecy soon to be fulfilled. Zechariah 14:2 (ESV): "For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken, and the houses plundered and the women raped. Half of the city shall go out into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city." Israel’s recent war, Simchat Torah (October 7), launched the Zechariah prophecy into motion. While Israel continues to be a beacon of resilience and innovation, the small nation is soon to be faced with unprecedented challenges as former allies have, and will, turn their backs. Due to a war they did not start, International sanctions have weakened its economy, and diplomatic ties were severed, leaving Israel to navigate a hostile global environment alone. However, this is not the end but the beginning of Zechariah’s prophecy. Despite the overwhelming adversity, the spirit of the Israeli people remained unbroken. They drew strength from their rich history and unwavering faith, determined to persevere and rebuild despite global rejection. Why so many wars?Matthew 25:31-33 (ESV): "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. Before him will be gathered all the nations, and he will separate people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left." Most Gentile Christians think this passage is about them - separating the authentic believers from the fake. While that is somewhat true, Yeshua was prophetically noting a time when He would separate the pure-bloodline Jews from the mixed-blood Jews. The reality of end-times wars being used to separate mixed-blood Jews from the pure bloodline is supported by the above passage. The Bible emphasizes spiritual identity found in the bloodline, which proves the physical lineage. In this reasoning is the “why” God has been obsessed with proving bloodline throughout the Bible. SPECIAL NOTE: In the New Testament, particularly in Galatians 3:28-29, it is stated that in Christ, there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for all are one in Christ Jesus. This underscores the idea that faith and spiritual rebirth define one's identity in God's eyes by graphing all born-again individuals into the pure bloodline of Yeshua Himself. The separation of the goats (mixed-blood) from the sheep (pure-bloodline) is needed for surfacing the 144,000 pure-bloodline Jews of the End Times.Revelation 7:4 (ESV): "And I heard the number of the sealed, 144,000, sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel." This passage refers to 144,000 individuals from the twelve tribes of Israel who are sealed and set apart during the end times. Thus, the wars and rumors of wars are used by our Hebrew God to advance this separation process. Most of Israel today is filled with mixed-blood Jews. Hitler’s obsession with conducting experimental examinations was for this purpose - he was on a mission to destroy the lineage of the pure-bloodline Jews of the thirteen tribes of Israel. Hitler himself was a mixed-blood Jew. As in the case of the forthcoming Antichrist, Hitler was obsessed with the pure bloodline Jews due to the eternal promises made by God, which included the destruction of all nations who came against them. This was a geopolitical threat to him. Such is the case with Satan and his Antichrist.All wars and rumors of wars lead to Israel. While nations are trapped by looking at their selfish interests, in the end, all political, economic, and spiritual conflicts will point to the tiny nation of Israel, which is NOT a tiny nation on the eternal side. In fact, Israel is the One Nation under God as HIS nation, which will be placed on the forthcoming New Earth, with Jerusalem as its capital city. As for the Middle East and the Islamic people…It is not complicated! Due to Abraham violating God’s rules regarding NOT mixing his blood and seed line with the descendants of Japheth and Ham, he birthed a son, Ishmael, through an Egyptian woman who was from the bloodline of Ham. The Islamic populous, formally called the Ishmaelites, come from this illegitimate child. However, they claim the rights of the Abrahamic promises, including the land of Israel. Thus, all the present wars and threats of future wars are over this one single historical fact. THE STUPIDITY OF SUPERFICIAL THEOLOGIANS Superficial theologians who overlook the intricate historical and theological connections between Ishmael and Isaac miss a crucial aspect of understanding the roots and complexities of the Abrahamic doctrines AND the End Times.These two figures, born of Abraham, represent foundational lineages that have profoundly shaped history's religious, cultural, and geopolitical narratives. Everything in the Old Testament and the Book of Revelation is centered in or around the Abrahamic doctrines. Even the doctrines of the New Testament regarding Yeshua’s life and death are prophetically connected to Abraham. By neglecting the significance of Ishmael's descent leading to Islam and Isaac's to Judaism and authentic Christianity, these theologians fail to grasp the full scope of their impact on contemporary nations, authentic Messianic salvation, and conflicts of the End Times. A deeper, more nuanced examination of these historical facts is essential for advancing a Biblical perspective on ALL of the doctrines related to our present End Times. Here is what I tell modern-day believers…Never, and I mean never, forget that all authentically born-again believers are graphed into the pure bloodline of Jesus/Yeshua. When we were placed in Christ, we received the promises associated with His bloodline. DNA/identity is found in the blood. To receive the benefits of this new bloodline identity, the Adamic, old self, had to be crucified with Christ (Romans 6). To live out our new identity, we must always remember the Hebrew roots of Abraham. 2025 PREDICTIONInsiders within the “know” of geopolitical threats have already projected that in 2025, the Islamic forces will be making use of stronger weapons, such as nuclear weapons, within the upcoming year. I support this calculated prediction. Leading up to this new level of destruction, diplomatic efforts and international agreements will aim to curb nuclear proliferation. The volatile nature of Middle Eastern politics making such threats will mean that all nations will be at risk - with the threat of it activating World War III even though God is the only one who knows the “when” and “how,” the situation underscores the urgent need for the world, and its nations to awaken to the Biblical doctrines of the End Times. The not-so-funny thing about prophecy and its prophets is that it’s easy to turn them off in one’s mind, reject the prophets of old, the prophets of the modern age, and move forward in ignorance. Oddly, most don’t even believe when the prophecies are unfolding before their very eyes. What fools’ humanity tends to be. As we stand on the cusp of 2025, the unfolding prophecies of the Middle East serve as a poignant reminder of the region's central role in the fabric of human history and Biblical prophecy. These prophecies, laden with profound significance, enlighten us to consider the intricate interplay of spiritual beliefs, politics, and destiny that continues to shape Israel in the End Times. -Dr. Stephen Phinney Research: Jpost, the Bulletin, Wikipedia, and Revelation Commentary, Dr. Stephen Phinney.This post is only for paying subscribers of The End Times Chronicles. We would enjoy your likes, dislikes, or comments regarding this post. 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