Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Joy Reid Talking About Her Show Getting Canceled Is PURE Schadenfreude She's slandered others for years, now the ax falls on her Wes Walker February 25, 2025


Joy Reid Talking About Her Show Getting Canceled Is PURE Schadenfreude

She's slandered others for years, now the ax falls on her

Even in the dying light of her TV career, she actually thinks she’s the victim here.

She’ll gladly call other people all kinds of horrible names: fascist, Hitlerian, racist, and soforth. She never stopped to ask if the problem was her.

She readily buys into every leftwing talking point, every anti-American grifter’s grand theory of everything, is quick to believe the worst about ordinary Americans who vote differently than here while still trying to convince herself that BLM was anything other than a highly sophisticated shakedown to separate elite progressives from their money.

We may never have a full accounting of who absconded with how much in that scheme or any of a dozen like it.

Joy almost never missed a chance to invoke every divisive wedge issue one could imagine, from race, to politics, to gender, to vax status — and did we mention race, because she did. Unendingly.

She became so predictable and insufferably tedious that even the lemmings that make up the bulk of MSNBC viewers stopped tuning in to see her show. Even conservatives who would clip her more ridiculous rantings to clown her for them on social media got bored with her schtick.

But she’s important, you see. Just ask her, she’ll tell you. Here she is filming a teary goodbye on some medium other than her usual show.

Which one? Does it really matter? She’s on her way out the door and this is one of our last opportunities to laugh at the ridiculousness of her misplaced assumptions of self-importance.

The Townhall caption:

🚨 Joy Reid breaks down sobbing while addressing being fired from MSNBC:

“My show had value…whether it was the Black Lives Matter issues…We need to understand 1619 as the real founding of this country…Gaza…the American people have a right to object to little babies being bombed…those things are of God…I’m just proud of my show.”

Here’s Megyn Kelly retweeting the same Townhall source with an observation of her own.

Megyn’s got a point there.

She bathed in the tears of the ‘little people’ she helped to destroy. She showed neither empathy nor concern for the lives she overturned. Does she really the rest of us to be more moved by her tears than she was of theirs?

We’re more likely to see her final end as a neat and tidy closing chapter of poetic justice.

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