Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hillary: The Grandmother Of The Birther Movement! Bombshell! WaPo Confirms Hillary Started Birther Movement (Video)

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Hillary: The Grandmother Of The Birther Movement! Bombshell! WaPo Confirms Hillary Started Birther Movement (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: . By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) Trump's now pounding the opposition with the latest poll of polls giving him the double of second Ben Carson: Trump 34.8% Carson 17.8%....

Ouch! Terrorist Reveals Got Obama Elected (Video) Bill Ayers Weather Underground Terrorist Reveals Truth About Obama CONTRIBUTOR: . By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) HE’S BAAACK! BILL AYERS REVEALS SHOCKING REASON FOR OBAMA WIN Weather Underground terrorist explains president's victory election in 2008 Full Speech: Donald Trump...

Donald Trump: Let Russia fight the Islamic State in Syria

CONTRIBUTOR: . Donald Trump: Let Russia fight the Islamic State in Syria Washington Post–8 hours ago OKLAHOMA CITY — Donald Trump accused his Republican presidential rivals on Friday night of wanting to “start World War III over Syria,” and … Speech: Donald Trump...

Finns Attack “Refugee” Bus with Rocks and Fireworks – Refugees Turn Back to Sweden CONTRIBUTOR: . VIDEO=» Finns Attack “Refugee” Bus with Rocks and Fireworks – Refugees Turn Back to Sweden...

Mark Levin: Elect A Principled Conservative Speaker, And That Isn’t Kevin McCarthy…

CONTRIBUTOR: . Mark Levin: Elect A Principled Conservative Speaker, And That Isn’t Kevin McCarthy…...

Citizen United poll: Trump leads with 31%

CONTRIBUTOR: . Citizens United Poll: Donald Trump Leads, Outsiders Dominate Breitbart News–Sep 23, 2015 A post-debate poll from Citizens United — provided exclusively to Breitbart News — finds that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump remains the clear …...

You need a Republican Presidential candidate to file a case of lack of eligibility against Rubio, Jindal and Cruz

CONTRIBUTOR: . Recently I was criticized for not filing a legal action against Rubio, Jindel and Cruz for lack of eligibility, since at the time of their birth all three had a foreign citizenship and cannot be considered natural born citizens. When Rubio was born, both of his parents were citizens of...

Nobel Laureate Lech Walesa: “If Europe Opens Its Gates To Muslims There Will Be Beheadings Here” CONTRIBUTOR: . Nobel Laureate Lech Walesa: “If Europe Opens Its Gates To Muslims There Will Be Beheadings Here”...

Fiorina threw 30,000 Americans into the streets and shipped their jobs to China, India, Russia, Poland and tripled her salary at the same time.


Average of polls shows Trump leading with 34.8%, double of second place Carson with 17.8%, Bush third with 7.7%

CONTRIBUTOR: . An updated POLL tracker (with all polls thru the weekend) reveals I maintained a double digit lead at 34.8%. Not only that, my poll #'s are double that of 2nd place candidate. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain A photo posted by Donald J. Trump (@realdonaldtrump) on Sep 25, 2015 at 7:09pm PDT...

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