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CONTRIBUTOR: . By Jan Markell
www.olivetreeviews.org Our times can be trying. One hesitates to even tune into
the latest Internet or cable news program and watch the updated saga of
suffering. The recent blood bath in Paris is a prime example of why people are
disconnecting and disengaging in disgust. Sure,...
http://www.reflectionmaat.blogspot.com/ Allereerst wil ik vrijgeven dat op de
ooglens van God bent geplaatst, Niets is dan ook ontzien en alles is waargenomen
door de spiegel omdat ALLE ogen op ons gericht waren hoe erg of extreem de
gebeurtenissen ook betrof.Buitenaardse krachten hebben inmiddels inbreuk op uw
media gedaan, zij zijn...
. http://www.reflectionmaat.blogspot.com/ MagnitudeMw 6.0RegionBONIN
ISLANDS, JAPAN REGIONDate time2015-11-20 05:31:51.3 UTCLocation26.36 N ; 142.82
EDepth10 kmDistances1076 km S of Tokyo, Japan / pop: 8,336,599 / local time:
14:31:51.3 2015-11-201271 km N of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands / pop: 48,220
/ local time: 15:31:51.3 2015-11-201941 km SE of Seoul, South Korea / pop:...
. 20th November 2015 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World In the
wake of the saddening loss of life in Europe recently, I feel the most
appropriate Openhand response is to encourage quiet internal reflection. The
world is undergoing energetic realignment, which will always undermine the
security of those...
. I cannot remember turning 30 years old. It was 1981. Who remembers 1981?
Without the use of Google can you tell me one significant event of that year? I
do remember turning 40, 50, and 60. Each of those birthdays seemed significant.
I suppose the beginning of any new decade...
. http://www.reflectionmaat.blogspot.com/ MagnitudeML 3.7RegionNORTH SEADate
time2015-11-19 14:18:34.2 UTCLocation56.77 N ; 7.70 EDepth10 kmDistances325 km
NW of Copenhagen, Denmark / pop: 1,153,615 / local time: 15:18:34.2
2015-11-19110 km W of Viborg, Denmark / pop: 34,831 / local time: 15:18:34.2
2015-11-1945 km NW of Lemvig, Denmark / pop: 7,330 / local time: 15:18:34.2...
. 20th November 2015 By Brendan D. Murphy Guest Writer for Wake Up World In
light of the evidence available to us today through various spheres of
investigation, philosophical materialism can justifiably be looked upon as an
unconscious ego defence mechanism, a sort of superstition designed to preserve
the individual’s limited...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Here is a round-up
of recent news stories about historic witch trials and also modern day examples
of persecution:"Scottish evangelists identify Paganism as one of the “biggest
threats to Western civilisation” - story at the National Secular Society:
http://www.secularism.org.uk/blog/2015/11/sco... Last Witch Hunter: why modern
visions of witches don’t conjure up...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Edie Weinstein
welcomes Dr. Joan Borysenko as they explore the nature of loving relationships
and the intersection of science and spirituality to describe the ways in which
we can connect with each other. One of Joan’s specialties is the area of
interspirituality which is the common ground where all of...
. L’attentat de Paris est choquant et horrifiant pour le monde entier. C’est
une agression directe, non seulement pour le mode de vie européen mais aussi
pour les valeurs qui sont communes à toutes les sociétés libérales. L’Inde a
elle aussi grandement souffert du terrorisme pendant plusieurs années – les
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