Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Safest Place to Be In a Terror Attack Is Next to President Obama

Terrorism News Weekly Featured

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Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

Ninety Percent of You Are Going to Die, but This Information Could Save Your Life

Ninety Percent of You Are Going to Die, but This Information Could Save Your Life CONTRIBUTOR: . Mid air burst of two nuclear missiles near the middle of the country would destroy all infrastructure that was not protected. According to the Naval War College, 90% of the people would be dead within two years. Do you know how to protect your vital possessions? In a grid...

The Safest Place to Be In a Terror Attack Is Next to President Obama

The Safest Place to Be In a Terror Attack Is Next to President Obama CONTRIBUTOR: . In the event of a terror attack, the safest place to stand is next to a prominent politician, preferably the President of the United States. Said President is seemingly immune from such attacks. Why is this true? This article explores the undeniable truth that terrorists never strike at...

HR 2232: National mandatory vaccination bill enters Congress

CONTRIBUTOR: . November 12th, 2015, by Edward Alert! A Congressional bill to force mandatory vaccinations across the nation has entered the House of Representatives under the name “Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015” or HR 2232. This bill is essentially a national version of the SB277 mandatory vaccination legislation...

‘STOP The Muslin Invasion’ – Bigots Mistakenly Protest Cloth And It’s Hilarious

‘STOP The Muslin Invasion’ – Bigots Mistakenly Protest Cloth And It’s Hilarious CONTRIBUTOR: . By Liz Lee on October 26, 2015 Categories: Georgia, Humor, WTF? I love being from Georgia, and I love telling people about the beauties of the south… until I see some sh– like this. I’ve written about Lowndes County twice – once detailing the investigation into Kendrick...

'Horrendous adverse effects' of HPV vaccines finally coming to light in court testimony... Vaccine industry horrors can no longer be censored

'Horrendous adverse effects' of HPV vaccines finally coming to light in court testimony... Vaccine industry horrors can no longer be censored CONTRIBUTOR: . (NaturalNews) A woman is suing the Irish government to compel it to withdraw the license for Merck's Gardasil brand HPV vaccine, alleging that her daughter suffered "horrendous adverse effects" after receiving the vaccine as recommended under the Irish school vaccination program. HPV refers to a large family of viruses, some...

Donald Trump’s white fascist brigade: His rallies are now a safe space for racism

Donald Trump’s white fascist brigade: His rallies are now a safe space for racism CONTRIBUTOR: . An activist is beaten and taunted with racial slurs at a Trump rally in Alabama. This is just the beginning Chauncey DeVega Trump supporters 'boo' the media after a heckler was removed as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks in Birmingham, Ala. (Credit: AP) A protester from the Black...

Here's What the Lying MSM Didn't Tell You About Mass Shooter Anders Breivik (2 Minute Video)


Glenn Greenwald calls out CNN’s awful coverage of Paris attacks on CNN

Glenn Greenwald calls out CNN’s awful coverage of Paris attacks on CNN CONTRIBUTOR: . CNN hosted "the most despicable interview we've seen in the last several years," Greenwald told CNN's Brian Stelter VIDEO Sophia Tesfaye (Credit: CNN) The week before Thanksgiving saw some of the most overtly xenophobic, militaristic and fact-free media proclamations since the weeks in the lead up to the...

Noam Chomsky: 'US foreign policy is straight out of the mafia'

Noam Chomsky: 'US foreign policy is straight out of the mafia' CONTRIBUTOR: . Noam Chomsky is the west's most prominent critic of US imperialism, yet he is rarely interviewed in the mainstream media. Seumas Milne meets him Noam Chomsky: 'Obama's campaign rhetoric was completely vacuous' Photograph: Rex Features Saturday 7 November 2009 00.06 GMT Last modified on Monday 6 October 2014 17.06...

Aspartame found to cause breast cancer, leukemia and lymphomas in latest animal experiments

Aspartame found to cause breast cancer, leukemia and lymphomas in latest animal experiments  CONTRIBUTOR: . A new study on aspartame conducted by the Ramazzini Foundation reveals that aspartame causes a dose-dependent increase in cancers (lymphomas, leukemias and breast cancers) when consumed at levels approaching those consumed by humans in diet soft drinks. Specifically, the study shows (reprinted from the abstract): a) a significant dose-related increase...
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