Happy Thanksgiving
Week: a new poll shows Rubio's up eight, Jeb's up six, Trump and Carson are up
five, Cruz is up four, and Christie's up three. Fiorina is tied with Hillary, at
42 percent apiece. [Keep
in Mali published the photographs on Monday of a man and a woman they said
helped plan an attack on a luxury hotel in which 19 people and two gunmen were
killed according to state television [Keep
our surprise to learn that America is morally obligated to take in every
out-of-luck dude who wanders out of his hellhole of a country with a bindle,
selfie stick and no wife or kids in sight. [Keep
U.S. drone policy werent so treacherous, it would be a comedy on par with the
hit movie Dumb and Dumber. Instead, U.S. drone policy is just plain dumb. [Keep
Speaking from the
White House Monday after more than a week of being overseas, Press Secretary
Josh Earnest tried to reassure reporters that President Obama is taking the
threat from ISIS seriously and is gathering as much intelligence on the terror
army as he possibly can. [Keep
After routinely
flirting with a third-party run, Donald Trump signed an unambiguously-worded
pledge in early September, vowing forego a third-party presidential bid if he
fails to secure the Republican presidential nomination. [Keep
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