Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Obama And The U.N. Just Passed ‘Agenda 21 On Steroids,’ And Virtually No One Noticed

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What You Need to Know About Eating Expired Food CONTRIBUTOR: Backdoor Survival. Have you ever been rooting through your pantry and come across a package that is well past its expiration date? Despite our good intentions, attempts at organization, and careful rotation of supplies, it still happens from time to time. What about a really amazing sale on a packaged food? Sometimes...


11/18/2015 Russia Did It. The United States Knows... Paris Hoax Proof! Worse Than You Think!! CONTRIBUTOR: We've all seen the effects that Islamic terrorism can have on a nation. Whenever a suicide bombing or hostage situation happens, law enforcement and rules are changed dramatically. Generally speaking, the new laws and rules don't do anything to further actual real security. While we sit by and watch as...


The People vs. Obama: The Shocking Truth Behind the Coming Revolution

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. Despite the attacks in Paris, this is what Obama is importing to America. Where is it written that America must admit immigrants from nations identified by the United Nations? Yet, that is where Obama is taking his marching orders from. Some of the European politicians are getting...


U.S. Marine Exposes Truth About Paris Attack (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) The tragic events that took place on 11/13/2015 has again changed the course of global history. A terror attack occurred, that according to some sources, could have been avoided and lives could have been spared. In the video below, US Marine turned activist Kenneth O'Keefe explains how America, Saudi...


3 Skills that Cover a Multitude of Survival Sins CONTRIBUTOR: Survival Sherpa. by Todd Walker From the biblical perspective, sin is “missing the mark.” In wilderness survival, not hitting your target in one skill doesn’t have to mean certain death. However, fall short in these three critical survival skills, and, dude, you’re screwed! You won’t get a second chance to see your family again...


Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (11-17-15) Steve Quayle, Joel Gilbert, Steve Pieczenik

CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. Alex Jones Show: Tuesday (11-17-15) Steve Quayle, Joel Gilbert, Steve Pieczenik - YouTube Co... FREE VIDEO HERE... this Tuesday, November 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we continue our coverage of the terror in Paris and examine the true origins of the attacks and delve into new details on...


David Icke – The Way Out Of The Matrix

CONTRIBUTOR: Philosophers Stone. Millions of people are seeing it, millions more waking up… we all feel it… we are what we allow into our hearts! the truth is spreading and speeding up faster and faster and faster… EMBRACE IT! LOVE IT! SHARE IT! Philosophers stone - selected views from the boat


Obama And The U.N. Just Passed ‘Agenda 21 On Steroids,’ And Virtually No One Noticed CONTRIBUTOR: Off The Grid News. Image source: Wikimedia While the mainstream media has ignored the freedom-infringing nature of Agenda 21, the world’s leaders and the United States have passed another “biodiversity” plan which many are calling the current program’s “evil twin.” The newest program is called Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and it was passed...


X22Report U.S. Just Shifted To Plan '?' To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 820b

CONTRIBUTOR: Blogdog. U.S. Just Shifted To Plan '?' To Remove Assad From Syria - Episode 820b - YouTube Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.comReport date: 11.17.2015. Internet providers have the ability to block your internet access and the FCC will...


The Anunnaki Creation Of Eve – God That Created Us Not Same God Who Expelled Us From Eden?

CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett. by Jeffery Pritchett of Written interview of Chris H. Hardy, Ph.D. ———————————————... 1. Would you please go into your perspective of the Anunnaki creating Eve? Also could you touch base on Eve being Tiamat? CHH: As Nibiru, a nomad or rogue planet, was attracted in the gravitation field...



CONTRIBUTOR: Philosophers Stone




CONTRIBUTOR: Self Sustained


CONTRIBUTOR: truthlovingsoul




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