Monday, November 23, 2015

COMMENTARY: Why Aren’t We One, As Yeshua Prayed?

Israel Today
Monday, November 23, 2015
To read all of today's news items in full, click here!
  The Impertinence of Breaking the Silence
The Impertinence of Breaking the Silence
Israelis are tired of fringe groups fueled by European money working to defame Israel in service to a political agenda
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  COMMENTARY: Why Aren’t We One, As Yeshua Prayed?
COMMENTARY: Why Aren’t We One, As Yeshua Prayed?
This coming together of Christians and Jews under the banner of Zionism is God making us His "one new man"
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  The Mossad Zoo
The Mossad Zoo
The list of animals supposedly trained to do harm by the Mossad reads like the inventory of a zoo
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  Chutzpa! Formerly-Jewish Store Pulls Israeli Products
Chutzpa! Formerly-Jewish Store Pulls Israeli Products
Europe's largest store says products from Judea, Samaria and Golan aren't 'Made in Israel'
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Exclusively for subscribers to Israel Today Magazine:
Creativity: How the media manipulates the headlines
Agriculture: Which breed of sheep is one of the oldest on earth?
Deception: How deceptive is the whole BDS movement
Dread: Life as a Christian in Muslim Palestinian
Zoology: How the Mossad keeps a complete zoo full of spies!
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