Monday, November 23, 2015

US Government Announces One of Our Worst Nightmares! And Chilling Letter Confirms ‘Something Horrible Is Coming To the USA!-Soon!' (Letter, Photos, Videos)

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Epic Crisis Now Underway! The Plan To Take America Down Within a Year! No One Is Prepared For What’s Coming! CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven If you think things are bad now, hold fast, because it’s about to get rocky with the soon infiltration of Syrian immigrants that Obama is forcefully bringing into this country by the tens-of-thousands within the next year. Not to mention the hundreds-of-thousands he intends to...


US Government Announces One of Our Worst Nightmares! And Chilling Letter Confirms ‘Something Horrible Is Coming To the USA!-Soon!' (Letter, Photos, Videos) CONTRIBUTOR: Lyn Leahz. (Above, Photo) This undated evidence photo released by the U.S. Attorney's Office in Boston shows weapons seized when Alexander Ciccolo was arrested in Adams, Mass. Ciccolo is charged in a federal complaint with possessing firearms after being previously convicted of a felony, and is accused of plotting to commit terrorist...


This Information Could Save Your Life: How to Survive a Terrorist Attack

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. The ISIS English speaking Brigade. I interviewed survival expert, Bob Griswold, regarding the terrorist events in Paris. He is a highly trained expert on situational awareness and surviving hostage situations. If the deceased in Paris had Bob’s training, some would have survived. Listen to this riveting interview in you...


LIVE: ‘Allah Hu Akbar’: Shooting, Hostage Situation Underway At French Troops’ Radisson Hotel, Mali CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason. Breitbart Reports: Gunmen have taken 170 hostages, killing three so far at the Radisson Blu hotel in Mali’s capital Bamako. The gunmen are reported to be releasing people that can recite verses from the Quran. THE ARTICLE HAS UP TO THE MINUTE BREAKING NEWS IN THE VARIOUS VIDEOS AS IT...


The Cure For The Virus Has Begun: Anonymous Takes Down 20,000 ISIS Twitter Accounts (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) The hacktivist collective known as Anonymous say they have eradicated over 20,000 ISIS Twitter accounts in retribution for the November 13th terror attacks in Paris. The hacktivists have declared war on the Islamic State deploying computer code as their weapon of choice rather than high-powered weapons and say the...


Unusual UFO-Like Vortex Appears Over Siberia as Thousands Watch CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority. The picture above came from a previous post titled, Physicist Dr. Fran De Aquino: HAARP (Department of Defense) Can Manipulate TIME!!!! Needless to say, it bore an eerie resemblance to the lights shown in the video below. WWW.UNSILENTMAJORITYNEWS.COM CHECK OUT THE NEW GOOGLE+ PAGE HERE: What is the mysterious...


ALIEN DISCLOSURE... by PEPSI ? Watch Their Black Knight Video CONTRIBUTOR: David Montaigne. I was alerted yesterday to a new video, by PEPSI, about the Black Knight satellite. It has been described the same way before, as a spacecraft in near-Earth orbit, estimated to be...


ISIS Releases Video Threatening To Blow Up White House (Video) Terrorist Video Threatens To Turn White House ‘Black’ CONTRIBUTOR: King of Shambhala. By King of Shambhala (I announce the Apocalypse and Revelation as a Buddhist reluctantly delving into the Christian Apocalypse as a Messenger of it. I’m the Messiah/Jesus.) The crazy terrorists threaten the USA in the video below. When you know it's said that ISIS was created by both Assad and...


Jim Carrey’s Message To Humanity May Change Your Life Forever CONTRIBUTOR: RiseEarth. by The Mind UnleashedIn this thought provoking compilation film from The Journey of Purpose, Jim Carrey imparts passionate words of wisdom regarding human potential, finding fulfillment, and escaping a life of fearful practicality in order to truly flourish. We are not defined by our possessions or the sum of our...


Pope Francis Is Comfortable With The Abolition Of The Traditional Church CONTRIBUTOR: The Sleuth ​Journal. (The Real Agenda) Pope Francis continues to surprise everyone with his sudden outbursts against traditional values. After saying things such as that Jesus had failed on the cross, calling for a world government and pushing socialist policies of wealth redistribution by forcing people to pay fees on carbon emissions, now...







CONTRIBUTOR: Jeffery Pritchett

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense





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