Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Biblical End Of Days–End Times Signs


Evening Edition: Top 10 Trending Stories

Welcome to the Before It's News Top Trending Stories. Each weekday we deliver the most important and interesting alternative stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

Look At The Chilling Warning Turkey Sent Russia Just 4 Days Before Shooting Down The Jet

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. Late last week, Turkey warned Russia it would face “serious consequences” if it did not cease bombing Turkmen villages near the country’s Syrian border. The BBC reported that “the Russian ambassador to Ankara was summoned to the Turkish foreign ministry to hear the protest.” This warning came on top of...


Russian Jet Shoot Down: What They're Not Telling You

CONTRIBUTOR: Luismmx. Turkey shot down the Russian jet because it is butt-hurt that Russia has been obliterating ISIS for the past two months. Turkey has been protecting & financing ISIS for years....


The Mysterious Secrets Of New York City's Underworld (Videos)

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/4d2e525c47/e675359788/2ab84ada0c CONTRIBUTOR: N. Morgan. (N.Morgan) As the busy New York streets hustle and bustle with activity, noise, and vendors peddling their various wares, just beneath the surface lurks an unknown and mysterious world, separate and secluded from the noise above. The constant buzz of the city above is nothing compared to the powerful lure...


Breaking: Hostage Situation Reported In France

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. As the capital city of neighboring Belgium remains locked down amid security concerns, France is once again the scene of what is being described in developing reports as a hostage situation. The developing narrative comes less than two weeks after a series of deadly terrorist attacks in Paris. #BreakingNews Reports...


Putin Closes Turkish Embassy.

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/4d2e525c47/e675359788/a822963de8 CONTRIBUTOR: The Tap Blog. An official Russian News stated after the warplane crash in Syrian border with Turkey, Vladimir Putin has convened Turkish ambassador Mr. Umit Yardim announcing that Turkish embassy should be closed as from now and they have 24h to leave Russia. A jet plane is waiting to bring back...


We Don't Need Terrorists Killing Us...We Have Black Friday. Astounding Insanity!

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/4d2e525c47/e675359788/e6d1cf79a9 CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. Terrorist threats, extra security during the holiday season because of external forces that want to jeoparize our safety.... yada yada. We need to watch out...right? Maybe it would be more prudent to watch out for crazy American shoppers, since they seem to be more effective at killing than towel-headed terrorists....


Biblical End Of Days–End Times Signs

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/4d2e525c47/e675359788/45b2c5a0e4 CONTRIBUTOR: MyDailyInformer. Biblical End Of Days–End Times Signs Im really wondering what are those jihadists trying to do… one bombing killing 100 out of MILLIONS that are in Paris, its really pointless, so why does they even bother ? Im not saying that they should nuke the city, but whatever they are...


US Govt/Central Banks Preparing Final Stages Of The Economic Collapse -Video

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/4d2e525c47/e675359788/a2f5973229 CONTRIBUTOR: John Rolls. Published on Nov 23, 2015 Check Out The X22 Report Spotlight YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1rn... Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit http://x22report.com Report date: 11.23.2015 The Recovery in the Euro zone is non existent and the talking heads are now blaming it on the Paris attack. The housing...


Breaking: Immediately After Turkey Downed The Russian Jet, Something ‘Extraordinary’ Is Happening

CONTRIBUTOR: AmericanPatriot. After the downing of a Russian jet by the Turkish military, things have been developing quickly; and now NATO is planning what is being called an “extraordinary meeting” to address this touchy international situation. The emergency meeting is set for 5 pm Brussels time to discuss a response to the...


12 Off-Grid Ways Your Grandparents Re-Used Old Newspapers (That You Should Try)

http://cts.vresp.com/c/?BeforeItsNews/4d2e525c47/e675359788/8612f6c71c CONTRIBUTOR: Off The Grid News. Image source: Pixabay.com Over the past couple of decades, Americans has gone crazy for recycling. Most communities have a recycling program, and we feel good about saving our cans, bottles, boxes and newspapers and putting them at our curbs for a weekly pick-up. But long before the phrase “reduce, reuse...


CONTRIBUTOR: Sedated Princess

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason



CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason

CONTRIBUTOR: Philosophers Stone

CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason


CONTRIBUTOR: The Unsilent Majority


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