Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Religion of False Peace

Spirit News Weekly Featured

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Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

Religion of False Peace

Religion of False Peace CONTRIBUTOR: . By Dan Payne Just like in America after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, true Islam is being misrepresented as a religion of peace in France and elsewhere in the Western world. Western media and politicians are currently twisting the truth of Islam into a peaceful narrative that fits the...

The Day I Stopped Fearing Death

The Day I Stopped Fearing Death CONTRIBUTOR: . I will never forget August 2, 2007. I was about to turn 36 and what should have been a time of reflection and celebration couldn’t be further from that truth. It was a season of severe humbling and quite a bit of humiliation. Here’s the backdrop. I was entering my...

Betrayal: How It Feels & What To Do About It

CONTRIBUTOR: . By Frosty Wooldridge Throughout my life, I have considered every human being on an even keel with me. I treat each person I meet with dignity and respect; and I expect them to return the same. I’m the guy who walks into the gym with a smile on my face...


CONTRIBUTOR: . By Nathele Graham The Law of Moses foreshadowed Jesus who fulfilled the Law. Leprosy was a devastating disease and the Law gave directions on how to diagnose it and how to make one clean if they were healed. Leprosy destroyed a person’s life and symbolically it represents sin and judgment....

Charity Shop Find: Stonehenge Midwinter Pottery

Charity Shop Find: Stonehenge Midwinter Pottery CONTRIBUTOR: . Now I know 1970s style isn't everyone's taste, but I have to admit some of it reminds me of my childhood in a cosy, nostalgic kind of way. When I saw this Midwinter Stonehenge dinner service in a charity shop for £15, I had to buy it. It consists of...

Statement from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

CONTRIBUTOR: . Language English Website Section: Press Report‘The horrendous attacks in Paris have sent shivers down the spine everywhere in the world. This is a direct assault not only on the European way of life but on values that are common to all liberal societies. India has also suffered greatly due to...

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on Terrorism

CONTRIBUTOR: . Language English Website Section: Press ReportThe attacks in Paris are a shocking and horrifying for the whole world. This is a direct assault not only on the European way of life but on values that are common to all liberal societies. India has also suffered greatly due to terrorism over...

Thanksgiving Blessings

Thanksgiving Blessings CONTRIBUTOR: . OM Times is a leading voice of the Conscious Community with articles covering the full spectrum of Conscious Living. Click here to see all we share. Thanksgiving Blessings By John Holland The holidays have a way of bringing us closer and making us feel hopeful, uplifted, grateful, and inspired to...

Responding to terror

CONTRIBUTOR: . The horrendous attacks in Paris have sent shivers down the spine everywhere in the world. This is a direct assault not only on the European way of life but on values that are common to all liberal societies. India has also suffered greatly due to terrorism over many years as...

Racial Reconciliation in Princeton

Racial Reconciliation in Princeton CONTRIBUTOR: . Elesha CoffmanThe national wave of student efforts to confront campus racism touched Princeton University last week, with calls to reconsider the legacy of Woodrow Wilson. As reported in the New York Times, the university president responded quickly, promising to address the issue on campus and in discussion with trustees. Meanwhile,...
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