Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The Kinetic Religion of Islam

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Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

The Kinetic Religion of Islam

The Kinetic Religion of Islam CONTRIBUTOR: . By Barry Shaw Most people are unaware that the driving motto of ISIS (Islamic State) is ‘baqiya wa tatamaddad,’ which stands for ‘remaining and expanding.’ Both these elements must be understood to really understand not only ISIS but Islam generally. The ‘remaining’ component is the establishment of a presence...

TELEPORTATION IN THE BIBLE: The Supernatural Miracles of a Resurrected Jesus

TELEPORTATION IN THE BIBLE: The Supernatural Miracles of a Resurrected Jesus CONTRIBUTOR: . Believe it or not, there are passages in the Bible that suggest people being teleported. Perhaps the most profound examples is from Jesus Himself, who appears through walls, and vanishes in the sight of men. Something to think about....

GOOD NEWS! THERE'S NO STOPPING US! https://youtu.be/VlVpvvStD7o


Sacrilege in Spain: over 200 consecrated hosts stolen, desecrated for art exhibit

Sacrilege in Spain: over 200 consecrated hosts stolen, desecrated for art exhibit CONTRIBUTOR: . Madrid, Spain, Nov 23, 2015 / 04:40 pm (CNA).- Critics of Pamplona’s city council say it deliberately attacked Catholics and broke Spanish law by using city property to display a sacrilegious art exhibit with more than 240 stolen consecrated Hosts. The Spanish artist Abel Azcona stole more than 240...

In Australia, bishops face legal complaint for defending marriage

In Australia, bishops face legal complaint for defending marriage CONTRIBUTOR: . Sydney, Australia, Nov 24, 2015 / 02:31 am (CNA/EWTN News).- The Sydney archbishop has strongly defended the freedom of the Catholic Church in response to a legal complaint claiming the Australian bishops’ pastoral letter on marriage violated Tasmania’s strict anti-discrimination law. “Australia is party to treaties guaranteeing freedoms of...

Is fear of genocide keeping Middle Eastern Christians from refugee camps?

Is fear of genocide keeping Middle Eastern Christians from refugee camps? CONTRIBUTOR: . New Haven, Conn., Nov 20, 2015 / 12:47 pm (CNA).- Christians fleeing violence in the Middle East are sometimes avoiding refugee camps because they fear genocide even within the camps, some observers are warning. “It is increasingly clear that because Christians fear that the persecution and genocide will continue...

Pope Francis sends greetings to Africa ahead of this week's trip

Pope Francis sends greetings to Africa ahead of this week's trip CONTRIBUTOR: . Vatican City, Nov 23, 2015 / 04:38 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis sent two video messages Monday ahead of his tri-nation visit to Africa, speaking his intent to bring “consolation and hope” to the region while serving as a “minister of the Gospel.” In the message sent to the people...

Chicago Catholic cemeteries give a proper burial to those who died on the fringes

Chicago Catholic cemeteries give a proper burial to those who died on the fringes CONTRIBUTOR: . Chicago, Ill., Nov 24, 2015 / 03:04 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Chicago’s Catholic cemeteries have helped bury the bodies of about 200 unidentified and unclaimed persons in recent years. One of the priests involved has stressed the importance of reducing homelessness and of mourning those who have no one to pray...
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