Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tis The Season for Black Friday Union Organized Protests

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Obamacare Architect: Okay Fine, Our Law Isn't Controlling Costs
Guy Benson
Here is Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel admitting what has become painfully obvious: The so-called 'Affordable' Care Act that he helped design, and that Democrats marketed to the public as a cost-reduction measure, is failing by its own standards.
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Putin Warns Turkey It Will Face 'Serious Consequences' After Shooting Down Russian Plane
Cortney O'Brien
Defending 9/11 Claims, Trump Says He Has 'World's Greatest Memory'
Leah Barkoukis
Mark Up Another Win for the Second Amendment in Alabama
Justin Holcomb
Cruz Catching Up to Trump After Passionate Anti-Terror Rhetoric
Cortney O'Brien
John Kerry Meets With Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem as Stabbing Attacks on Israelis Continue
Katie Pavlich
Massachusetts Has Dropped Common Core
Christine Rousselle
VIDEO: The War on Yoga
Students at the University of Ottawa ban yoga fearing cultures where the exercise may be offended by the "cultural appropriation," and be reminded of the evils of imperialism.
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Tis The Season for Black Friday Union Organized Protests
Ashley Pratte
No surprise here. The Organization United for Respect at Walmart (OUR Walmart) is planning their annual Black Friday strike at Walmart centers around the country with a twist.
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VIDEO: Hollande Visiting Putin Just After Visiting U.S. Is A Bit Awkward
Francois Hollande will call for urgency in the war against Islamic State in a diplomatic visit to the White House on Tuesday, but he will also attempt to smooth ruffled feathers over his next diplomatic stop.
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American Universities Begin to Implode
Dennis Prager
For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating.
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VIDEO: Kerry To 'Calm Things Down' In Israel
Secretary of State John Kerry visited Israel for the first time in over a year on Tuesday hoping to calm two months of deadly violence.
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The Disappearing Governors
Thomas Sowell
There is a painful irony in a recent decision of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on the side of Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, whom the U.S. Department of Justice tried to stop from making charter schools widely available to minority youngsters in his state.
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Obama Holds Joint Presser With Hollande: "Americans Will Not Be Terrorized"
Cortney O'Brien
Presidents Obama and Hollande expressed their solidarity during a joint press conference in the East Room of the White House Tuesday.
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Scandal: US Analysts Allege Political Manipulation of ISIS Intel, Cover-Up
Guy Benson
We've touched on these allegations before, but now they're getting more specific and serious.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Obamacare Troubles a Gift to 2016 Candidates
Byron York
Byron York
VA Christmas Tree Ban Causes Yuletide Uprising
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
Which Party Will Emerge From Its Gathering Storm?
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Who Created These Campus Whiners?
Stephen Moore
Stephen Moore
The America-Basher in Chief Rolls On
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh
Will Europe Man Up?
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan
Sound and Fury: A Tale Told by a Populist
Paul Greenberg
Paul Greenberg
Governors Say "Not in My State!"
Phyllis Schlafly
Phyllis Schlafly
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Gun Refuses To Get Mad, Shoot People | Bob Owens
Obama Wants To “Minority Report” 300,000 INNOCENT People | Bob Owens
How Not To Be A Gun Owner | Bob Owens
“Zero Tolerance” Weapon Policy Hounds College Student To Death | Bob Owens
Sorry, Thumper. | Bob Owens
Political News
Brighter, shorter 'Sesame Street' bows January on HBO | Reuters News
Exclusive - EMC to keep majority stake in Virtustream - sources | Reuters News
Many House Republicans want refugee restrictions in spending bill | Reuters News
UN chief will try to visit North Korea as soon as possible | AP News
GOP sets Senate push against health law, Planned Parenthood | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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