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. They are among us. Blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting
extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their
cold-blooded little heads: to enslave the human race. They are our leaders, our
corporate executives, our beloved Oscar-winning actors and Grammy-winning
singers, and they're responsible for the Holocaust, the Oklahoma City bombings,
9/11, and...
. Two arms, two legs, body, head; the Pleiadian ears are somewhat lower than
yours, but Pleiadians are so much genetically like you that they consider you to
be their cousins. If a Pleiadian were walking down the street, you would all
turn and remark about how they look (they look...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Terrifying UFO Encounter
Shocks Family!! Massive Reports [Strange UFOS] NOW!! 11/20/2015 Alien Hybrids!
Swedish Sisters, Secret, Extraterrestrial's? More Than Meet's The Eye!! Bill
Clinton Rape Accuser Tears Off the Hillary Mask to Expose the Evil and the Ugly
Clinton Indictment Imminent Youtube:thirdphaseofmoon...
. US Government Announces One of Our Worst Nightmares! And Chilling Letter
Confirms ‘Something Horrible Is Coming To the USA!-Soon!’ (Letter, Photos,
Videos) (Above, Photo) This undated evidence photo released by the U.S.
Attorney’s Office in Boston shows weapons seized when Alexander Ciccolo was
arrested in Adams, Mass. Ciccolo is charged...
CONTRIBUTOR: . From Thanks to Brenton Sawin, I was made aware of this
story. A Bigfoot hunter named David had posted a series of videos about his
encounters with the creature on his channel 'Something Hairy In The Shadows.'
The strangest of the lot was his sighting in 2005 of...
CONTRIBUTOR: . From the youtube
channel of Top Documentary Films: David Paulides is a writer, researcher, and
investigative journalist notable primarily for his authorship on two subjects:
the Bigfoot mystery, and the subject of mysterious disappearances in National
Parks. Paulides has drawn significant national attention and has been featured
on numerous...
CONTRIBUTOR: . November 22nd,
2015 "We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom,
Symbolizing an End as well as a Beginning-- Signifying Renewal as well as
Change." ******* The Who, How and Why Of the JFK Assassination –» 52 Years
On – Part...
CONTRIBUTOR: . This is a special report about bigfoot encounters in
Indiana. Tyra Cataline returned to the location where her and several others had
a bigfoot type creature attack their car. She stated at the time of the incident
that they all thought they were going to die. Thanks
. What are the Shadow People? Are these shadowy figures ghosts?
Inter-dimensional beings? Time travelers? Something darker and more evil?
Whatever they are, they seem to be sighted with increasing frequency all around
the world. Are Humans Truly Intelligent In The Grand Scheme Of The Universe
Black Knight UFO Satellite Debunked...
CONTRIBUTOR: . PlanetSasquatch
posted this photo and analysis of a couple strange game cam images showing a
deer apparently turn invisible, or "cloak" as they say in the paranormal bigfoot
world. Does this prove that bigfoot really does have the ability to cloak
itself? I think it's probably just a digital...
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