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CONTRIBUTOR: . Christ declared, One
shall be taken and the other shall be left behind. As it was in the days of
Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns. The ones taken are to be
destroyed; we most definitely want to be left behind, to inherit the Kingdom...
. Arguably the most challenging concepts for true believers in the Bible to
reconcile in our minds is the seeming contradiction between God’s Will and the
free will of humans. Some frame the debate as one between predestination and
acceptance of salvation through our actions. Others believe that free will is...
. Be encouraged! <iframe width="560" height="315"
src=" frameborder="0"
CONTRIBUTOR: . my source: Opus
DeiVisitation to Saint ElizabethThis reflection on our Lady's life considers
Mary's visit to her cousin Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist.LIFE OF MARY
March 17, 2014Elizabeth, who had been called “barren," is going to be a mother.
Gabriel, sent by God, had informed Mary of it. Shortly...
. There are just too many Christians that get more out of the Old Testament
than they do the New Testament. I think it's because that God isn't mentioned
all that much in the New Testament and a LOT of imagery about God is found in
the Old. I still don't...
. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt
believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be
saved.Romans 10:9 (KJV) There are two components to the path described here for
salvation. First, we must confess with our mouths the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Through My Bible Yr
1 – December 20 Isaiah 14:24-16:14 (NIV84) Through My Bible – December 20 Bible
reading based on Isaiah 14:24-16:14 (NIV84) See series: Through My Bible A
Prophecy Against Assyria 24 The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have
planned, so it will be, and...
. Saint Dominic was born in 1000 in Cañas, Navarre, Spain. He was born a
peasant, and as a youth worked as a shepherd until he entered the Benedictine
monastery in Navarre. When Dominic refused to hand over the monastery lands at
the King of Navarre’s demands, he was forced to leave the...
CONTRIBUTOR: . Cloister Garden of
the Carmel of the Holy FamilyI am pleased to announce that the friars of the
Western Dominican Province House of Studies will celebrate a Dominican Rite
Solemn Mass at 11:30 a.m. on Christmas Day. The Mass will be at the Carmel of
the Holy Family, 68 Rincon...
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