Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Strange Events/Apocalyptic Sounds Being Heard WorldwideThis Past Week

Top 10 Trending Stories

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The Elite Are Bugging Out to Deep Underground Bunkers In Morocco-WW III Is Here

CONTRIBUTOR: common sense. All signs point to the fact that the world has reached the point of no return with regard to the culmination of World War III which will begin in Syria. This article details military actions which has not been relased by the American media. This article also details the mostly...


World War III Comes Nearer As Russia Charges Turkey Of Being ‘Secret Allies’ With ISIS (video) CONTRIBUTOR: JayWill. WORLD WAR III COMES NEARER AS RUSSIA CHARGES TURKEY OF BEING ‘SECRET ALLIES’ WITH ISIS Are Russia and Turkey on the brink of going to war? In feedback that was almost completely avoided by the Nazi news media, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov charged the Turkish government of being “secret...


Strange Events/Apocalyptic Sounds Being Heard WorldwideThis Past Week

CONTRIBUTOR: Christopher Watson. What is going on?? Strange unexplained sounds heard around the world this month along with a number of strange events 2015-2016! Something is going on the big event prophecy has now begun this video will shock you are you ready strange weather the signs are here new world order plans...


Black Knight: Let Them Eat Static CONTRIBUTOR: Ground Zero Media. BLACK KNIGHT LET THEM EAT STATIC It is amazing that every day, we are beginning to see how information from space scientists is turning science fiction into fact. It is also amazing how a lot of this information is not being reported in the mainstream news and is substituted by...


Weather Channel Founder: Climate Change Is NWO HOAX

CONTRIBUTOR: At video time 16:26, the founder of the Weather Channel ties climate change hoax in with the pursuit of a one-world government (New World Order). The New World Order seeks a neo-feudal society over the entire world. NWO climate change nonsense is a hoax to achieve a neo-feudal...


What Really Happened At The Council of Nicea? CONTRIBUTOR: Answering Muslims. For many years, the council of Nicea has been the subject of much confusion among laypeople. The misapprehensions which have come to be associated with the council of Nicea have, in part, been fuelled by popular fictional novels such as Dan Brown’s notorious The Da Vinci Code. No matter what...


Putin Narcs On Obama, USA--Tells The World Exactly Who Created ISIS--Must Watch Video--make it viral [picture, video CONTRIBUTOR: muckracker1. Propaganfists constinue to manipulate Americans and reshape our reality. The 1% have mastered propaganda and create consumer/slaves. Just more proof that we can not trust Western media to pursue truth. Ironically, the journalist who asked Putin this quesstion was from the Wessts. Apparently his own media employer is too biased...


Someone is Out There and it is Us: Solar Warden and the U.S. Secret Space Program CONTRIBUTOR: classifiedleaks. The article source When British computer genius Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. government computers looking for information about UFOs, he uncovered a treasure trove of information. This included photographs and films of UFOs captured by various government sources, along with documents that divulged insider knowledge about the reality of...


11 Mistakes and Goofs That Every Prepper Should Avoid CONTRIBUTOR: Backdoor Survival. We have all done it – made a mistake with our preps that was either a stupid use of our time, a waste of our money, or both.  The good news is that with a couple of years of prepping experience behind you, you will begin to recognize those things...


It’s Begun! Facebook Shutting 1,000's of Truthers Down and What Was Spotted in Their Office Hints at Who May Win the 2016 Election CURATOR: Lisa Haven. By Lisa Haven I’ve about had it with outlets that continually lie, manipulate, and abuse the masses for their own gain. Specifically Facebook and countless others working towards the elite agenda with little recourse about the impact they are having on humanity so long as their pockets are...




CONTRIBUTOR: Voice of Reason



CONTRIBUTOR: Due Diligence

CONTRIBUTOR: The Steady Drip


CONTRIBUTOR: common sense



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