Wednesday, December 2, 2015

The Fall of Europe….?

Paranormal News Weekly Featured

Welcome to the Before It's News Weekly Featured 5 Stories. We deliver the most important and interesting space news stories to your inbox. Be the first among your friends and colleagues to get the scoop on the stories everyone should be talking about today.

The Fall of Europe….? CONTRIBUTOR: . Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural Welcome to the Brave New World. Days of Chaos? GO  TO » Fear Porn or Reality?  Wake up Ostrich people! For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and...

Black Knight: Let Them Eat Static CONTRIBUTOR: . BLACK KNIGHT LET THEM EAT STATIC It is amazing that every day, we are beginning to see how information from space scientists is turning science fiction into fact. It is also amazing how a lot of this information is not being reported in the mainstream news and is substituted by...

5 Warning Signs You May Have Been Abducted By Aliens and Not Even Know It CONTRIBUTOR: . Under hypnosis, many unfortunate abductees recall terrifying memories involving horrific alien encounters and painful, physical experimentation. Their recollection includes time spent aboard an alien space craft while paralyzed, often by unseen restraints, frozen in cold, metal beds. Often, they recall the images of strange and grey-colored extraterrestrial creatures peering and...

Thanksgiving CUBE by Moon shows in photograph!

CONTRIBUTOR: . On Thanksgiving day after all the food was gone I decided to head out for a late night walk. Around that same time the moon was rising up from behind the Mountains. I looked up at the stars and noticed it was a clear night and you could see everything....

Levitating Cars, Policeman Stalked By UFO And Andy Kaufman's Death CONTRIBUTOR: . The Fortean Slip 98 The Andy Kaufman Is Still Alive Episode. This week Chris, Steve and Matt talk about whether or not Andy Kaufman hoaxed his own death. They also discuss paranormal investigators on the search for evidence, levitating cars (which we explain) and a police officer who claims he...

Alien Abduction Of A British Police Officer CONTRIBUTOR: . ALIEN ABDUCTION OF A BRITISH POLICE OFFICER . NOVEMBER 28, 1980   ………..  TODMORDEN UNITED KINGDOM . A former officer of West Yorkshire Police, Alan Godfry, still believes he may have been a victim of alien abduction as he nears the 35th anniversary of the traumatising series of events.  While on...

California family recalls underwater UFO incident CONTRIBUTOR: . A California witness at Avalon Harbor recalled an encounter from 1982 with an underwater UFO as the family sailed to Catalina, according to testimony in Case 72642 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witnesses’ mother first noticed a ‘huge lighted object’ moving near their boat...

Daily UFO Headlines 11/30/2015

CONTRIBUTOR: . Onondaga County UFO Hot Spots – Syracuse New Times Moon-like orb floating over the skies of Hull in 1801 is the first recorded sighting of a UFO on earth – Daily Mail Twitter astounded after UFO sighting in Cape Town – The Financial Express Shocking claim: Are aliens experimenting...

The true story of the Perron family, the Harrisville Haunting CONTRIBUTOR: . The true story of the Perron family, the Harrisville Haunting Location: Harrisville, Rhode Island The Story: History of the Perron family and the Harrisville Haunting (true story behind the movie The Conjuring). Ed and Lorraine Warren had been investigating paranormal activity since the early 1950’s. During their decades-long careers, they...

Bizarre: Three Cars Suddenly Lifted By Mysterious Force (Video)

CONTRIBUTOR: . Recently, a security camera captured a bizarre road accident in China. What gone wrong with three vehicles rear lifted up into air? Is it a cable/wire which has fallen across the road but still attached to a pole on upper left and the truck on right has caught it,...

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