Thursday, February 28, 2019

Australia: Muslim “refugee” father of 6 brutally rapes backpacker

Australia: Muslim “refugee” father of 6 brutally rapes backpacker

This is Australia today, thanks to the Australian government’s suicidal policies regarding mass Muslim migration. Rape jihad is entirely permissible under Islam. Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. As I have explained numerous times, sex slavery and rape of the infidel is sanctioned and rewarded under Islam. Muslim clerics all over the world confirm the right to have sex slaves. It is in the Qur’an — the word of Allah. Sex slave auctions are rife throughout across the Muslim world. There are even sex slave auctions in “moderate” Muslim Turkey. Politicians can keep turning a blind eye, law enforcement can keep ignore it, so this pox on our communities will continue to get worse.
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“‘Predatory, violent and depraved’ backpacker rapist gets seven years,” by Caroline Schelle, AAP, February 27, 2019 (thanks to M):
A father-of-six lured a backpacker to Melbourne from interstate by promising her work but instead held her captive in a motel and made car noises as he raped her.
Alimadad Mokhtari, 42, convinced his victim to fly from Queensland following a fake job ad he put on Gumtree in May 2016.
He took her to a Keysborough motel and tried to ply her with alcohol but she repeatedly rejected him and his sexual advances.
“The victim was alone and isolated. You created a situation and manipulated it in a way to force yourself upon her when your sexual advances were rebuffed,” County Court Judge Scott Johns said on Wednesday.
Mokhtari grabbed the woman as she attempted to leave and repeatedly raped her over six hours, threatening to beat her if she screamed, the judge said.
“This was predatory, violent and depraved behaviour,” Judge Johns said.
Before the attack, Mokhtari smoked methamphetamine and during the assaults became paranoid.
He told the victim of an animal outside the window and made “car noises” during the assaults, the judge said.
“The victim pleaded with you to stop … you ignored her pleas.”
At one point, the woman begged for Mokhtari to kill her, Judge Johns said….
Mokhtari had no prior offences and had helped UN forces during the war in his home country, Afghanistan.
“It is difficult to reconcile a community minded father-of-six with the self-indulgent, drug-affected violent sex offender who committed these crimes,” Judge Johns said.
Mokhtari was heavily involved with the Afghan community after he arrived in Australia by boat but his violent actions were a tragedy for his wife and children….
He was jailed for 11 years with a minimum of seven years and will be listed as a registered sex offender for 15 years.


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