Thursday, February 28, 2019

FREE SPEECH? Twitter Warns Michelle Malkin After She Broke “SHARIA LAW”

Conservative political commentator Michelle Malkin, received an interesting email from Twitter Legal telling her to lawyer up for violating Pakistani law in regards to a tweet that she made in 2015.
Check out what she said.
“I’ve been  -ed. Here’s the notice Twitter’s legal dept sent me last week, warning me to get legal counsel because anti-blasphemy Muslim zealots complained that my Mohammed Cartoons tweet violates Pakistan’s laws.”
Twitter was contacting Malkin in response to a 2015 tweet where she provided drawings of the false profit Mohammed and told her that the tweet is “in violation of Pakistan law.”
Who cares?? This is America, the land of the free. Pakistani law has no place in America.
Check out the drawings from her tweet below.
Seriously? Out of everything that happens on Twitter, why is Twitter most concerned about a tweet from four years ago? Twitter is the forefront of conservative censorship and they have been taking a lot of action in recent months against conservatives. Now, they are going after conservatives for providing drawings of the false Islamic profit Mohammed.
Malkin went into more detail in a post on her website.
“My innocuous tweet featured a compilation image of the 12 Muhammad cartoons published by Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005. It also linked to my Jan. 8, 2015, syndicated column on the Charlie Hebdo jihad massacre in Paris. There’s no hate, violence, profanity or pornography, just harmless drawings and peacefully expressed opinions about the Western media’s futile attempts to appease the unappeasable enforcers of sharia law, which bans all insults of Islam.”
Twitter allows pornography, profanity, violent videos and hate from the Left, but apparently cartoon drawings of a false Islamic profit is off limits. Images and pictures of Mohammed are forbidden according to Islamic law which is the law of the land in Pakistan.
Malkin isn’t the only one who has been threatened by Twitter. Check out what else she had to say.
“Over the past few months, several other prominent critics of Islamic extremism have received similar warning letters from Twitter’s legal department, including Saudi-Canadian activist Ensaf Haidar, the wife of imprisoned Saudi blogger Raif Badawi; Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, an Iranian-born Muslim scholar and reform advocate from Australia; Jamie Glazov, a Russian-born Canadian columnist who just released a new book called “Jihadist Psychopath”; and Pamela Geller, an anti-jihad blogger and activist.”
Everyday, conservatives are getting censored and called out by Twitter for things that Democrats do daily and get away with. Jacob Wohl, a well known conservative, recently got permanently banned from the platform for having multiple accounts to provide promotion for his main account. Guess who else uses this tactic to gain fame? Kamala Harris! Did she get banned? Of course not!
The double standard from the Left only seems to be getting worse. Conservatives are held to an extremely high standard, while liberals seem to be able to get away with anything. Instead of eliminating porn, violence and profanity from their platform, Twitter is most concerned about deleting drawings of Mohammed.
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