Thursday, February 28, 2019

EXCLUSIVE: Socialist National Emergency Border Wall Protest Demands: IMPEACH TRUMP!

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“The Emergency is in the White House (or as it would seem today on the golf course), not on the border! Join your brothers and sisters in dozens of activist groups in a show of rebellion against this Fake National Emergency. #DonTheCon must be stopped.” Hosted by New York Indivisible :: Rise and Resist :: Food & Water Action
5 to 7 pm – Union Square Park [Face Book
Presidents’ Day, and “The People” were exposing Trump’s National Emergency EXCUSE for a Border Wall [ AOL]
The Socialists ranted about the horrors of living in WHITE, racist America, roiling on and on to IMPEACH TRUMP.
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Patriots were also there, countering the socialist insanity by challenging the Marxist/Socialist lies. FACT: LEGAL immigrants are always WELCOME, but illegals should go back where they came from. OBEY our laws, come here LEGALLY, that’s the ticket.
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The Marxist -Socialist invasion continues in our schools, colleges, media and … winning elected office. We ignore this at our own peril. They count on our complacency.
[Pictures and videos property of Pamela Hall]


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