President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un’s summit in Vietnam appears to be going very well. It is unclear if the President and Kim will be able to make a deal this time around, but the fact that they are meeting for a second time is progress in itself.
But the question still remains. Is Kim Jong Un willing to denuclearize? The answer to this question came from Kim Jong Un himself when a reporter asked him if he was ready to denuclearize.
Check out what was said.:
Asked by a U.S. reporter Thursday in Hanoi whether he’s willing to denuclearize, Kim responded: “If I’m not willing to do that, I wouldn’t be here right now.”Trump told reporters that that’s what the two are discussing during their second day of talks.Kim was also asked if the leaders would be talking about human rights, which he’s accused of abusing. But Trump responded to the question instead, telling reporters: “We’re discussing everything.”The comments came as the two met with an expanded coterie of aides, including U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton.
Woah! This is one of the first times that Kim has specifically stated that he is willing to give up his nuclear weapons. Trump’s tough tactic on North Korea seems to be working!
President Trump has made it clear that he is in no rush to make a deal with Kim Jong Un because he wants the deal done right. This is one of Trump’s many negotiating tactics outlined in his book, The Art of the Deal.
Trump himself emphasized repeatedly Thursday that he was in “no rush” to get a comprehensive agreement with Kim, playing down expectations for a full nuclear disarmament pact.Trump praised Kim for discontinuing missile launches after their first summit in Singapore last year. “We don’t want the testing. And we’ve developed something very special with respect to that.”Kim, who like Trump used an interpreter, said during opening remarks at the summit that skeptics of the relationship would be watching closely and see the two leaders “side by side as if they’re watching a fancy movie.”Kim and Trump had a one-on-one session in the morning, followed by a session with a larger group of officials from both sides. They were also expected to attend a working lunch and participate in the signing of an agreement — the details of which have not yet been announced. Trump also planned to give a press conference before departing Hanoi.
The main stream media is continuing to attack the president in regards to his meetings with Kim Jong Un. The facts speak for themselves. President Trump has done more to create peace with North Korea in the past few months than previous presidents have done in the past 30 years. The media said this would never happen yet it’s happening right in front of our eyes!
Trust the president. He knows what he is doing!
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