Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, went absolutely nuclear on Wednesday during a hearing with Michael Cohen.
During a hearing before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Jordan, the ranking Republican member, wasted little time going after Cohen, the president’s former attorney.
Jordan also pieced together a major plot showing how Hillary Clinton as well as lawyers and operatives connected to her are now trying to help Cohen.
Why? Jordan argues Clinton and her cronies are using Cohen’s case in an attempt to remove President Donald Trump from office.
“Mr. Chairman, here we go. Here we go. Your first big hearing, your first announced witness, Michael Cohen. I want everyone in this room to think about this,” Jordan began.
“This is the Michael Cohen hearing presented by Lanny Davis. That’s right, Lanny Davis choreographed the whole darn thing, the Clintons’ best friend, loyalist, operative, Lanny Davis put this all together,” he added.
Jordan continued, “You know how we know? He told the committee staff. He said the hearing was his idea. He selected this committee. He had to talk Michael Cohen into coming.”
“This might be the first time someone convicted of lying to Congress has appeared again so quickly in front of Congress. Certainly it’s the first time a convicted perjurer has been brought back to be a star witness in a hearing,” Jordan continued.
“Here’s what the U.S. Attorney said about Mr. Cohen: While Mr. Cohen enjoyed a privileged life, his desire for ever greater wealth and influence precipitated an extensive course of criminal conduct,” Jordan said, reading from the criminal complaint filed against Cohen from the Southern District of New York.
“Mr. Cohen committed four distinct federal crimes over a period of several years. He was motivated to do so by personal greed and repeatedly, repeatedly used his power and influence for deceptive ends. But the Democrats don’t care. They don’t care. They just want to use you, Mr. Cohen. You’re their Patsy today,” Jordan added.
“They’ve got to find somebody somewhere to say something so they can try to remove the president from office. Because Tom Steyer told them to. Tom Steyer organized a town hall in Manhattan. Guess where? Chairman Cummings’ district in Baltimore. The best they can find to start this process, Michael Cohen. Fraudster, cheat, convicted felon and in two months a federal inmate,” he said.
Jordan then put the final nail in the coffin:
Actually they didn’t find him. Lanny Davis found him. I’ll say one thing about the Democrats. They stick to the play book. Remember how all this started. The Clinton campaign hired Perkins law firm, who hired Glenn Simpson who hired a foreigner Christopher Steele who put together the fake dossier the FBI used to get a warrant to spy on the Trump campaign.But when that whole scheme failed and the American people said we’re going to make Donald Trump president, they said we’ve got to do something else.So now Clinton loyalist, Clinton operative Lanny Davis has persuaded the chairman of the oversight committee to give a convicted felon a forum to tell stories and lie about the president of the United States so they can all start their impeachment process. Mr. Chairman, we are better than this. We are better than this.
Davis, Cohen’s attorney, has a long history of ties to the Clintons and working for them through various connections.
As detailed by Jordan numerous times, Cohen has admitted to lying to Congress and committing various financial crimes, and is headed to prison in a few months.
Cohen even admitted that he lied several times and is aware that there are serious issues surrounding his credibility.