Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts
Catholic Theological Union offers course on “Islamophobia: A Catholic Response”
Will this course discuss how the term “Islamophobia” was chosen by Muslim Brotherhood organizations as a weapon to intimidate people into thinking it wrong to oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women and others? Will it explore the 1,400-year history of jihad warfare against Christians, and investigate the role of Islamic texts and teachings in inciting that warfare? Will it discuss the status of the subjugated dhimmis under Islamic law? Will it explore the industry of faked anti-Muslim hate crimes? Will it show how those who are accused of being part of the fictional “Islamophobia industry” are vilified with ad hominem attacks, but never actually shown to be making false statements?
No to all questions.
Will there be a course at any Islamic theological school, teaching about Muslim hatred of Christians, “the most vile of created beings” according to Qur’an 98:6?
No again.
“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)
“Summer @CTU,” Catholic Theological Union (scroll down):
Islam, Muslims & Islamophobia: A Catholic Response
Scott AlexanderThis course will cover the epidemic of Islamophobia in contemporary U.S. American society. Its aim is: to assess the extent of the problem, including statistics regarding anti-Muslim hate crimes and an analysis of the so-called “Islamophobia industry”; to explore and deconstruct negative and harmful anti-Muslim stereotypes, particularly as key elements of dominant mainstream media, “alt-right” media, and social media narratives; and to articulate a ‘Catholic response’ based on Catholic social teaching, theology of interreligious dialogue, and the longstanding praxis of Catholic-Muslim dialogue in the U.S. in which Catholic Theological Union has played a significant role.