Thursday, February 28, 2019

PayPal Relying on Direction from Far-Left Hate Group SPLC to Censor Those Who Oppose the Left The hate group SPLC has smeared and libeled every effective voice of the right, including me.


EXCLUSIVE: Socialist National Emergency Border Wall Protest Demands: IMPEACH TRUMP!

The "Border Wall National Emergency Protest" was led by Marxist-Socialists, offering their Sanctuary City (NYC) to illegals with no questions asked, because Illegals are good; Patriots, bad. And TRUMP is to blame!

Pelosi condemns antisemitism, then poses with Jew-hater Ilhan Omar on Rolling Stone magazine cover

Oh, the hypocrisy. But they fear not, for they know the media will clean up after them, like the man with the shovel following behind the circus elephant.

California islamic State jihadi r who bragged of bomb plots gets more than 15 years in prison

Only 15 years? He plotted to slaughter countless innocents in the cause of Islam.

Islamic State sex slave escapes the caliphate with 5-year-old son after 5 failed attempts

Following in the footsteps of Muhammad, jihadis kidnapped thousands of Yazidis on a single day and like Muhammad massacred the men and forced the women into sexual slavery.

Mother of “Palestinian” Knife Jihadi in Praise of Son: He Was a Butcher, Knew How to Slaughter

This is who the Jewish left in the United States wants Israel to sign a "peace" agreement with.

Australia: Muslim “refugee” father of 6 brutally rapes backpacker

This is Australia today, thanks to the Australian government's suicidal policies regarding mass Muslim migration.

PayPal Relying on Direction from Far-Left Hate Group SPLC to Censor Those Who Oppose the Left

The hate group SPLC has smeared and libeled every effective voice of the right, including me.

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