Thursday, February 28, 2019

HUGE: AOC Gets Slapped With MAJOR FEC Complaint For Illegal Payments

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is in hot water this week after being accused of making illegal payments to her boyfriend, and one top conservative group is taking action.
The right-leaning Coolidge Reagan Foundation filed a complaint this week with the Federal Election Commission alleging that Ocasio-Cortez’s campaign may have illegally funneled thousands of dollars through a PAC to her boyfriend, Riley Roberts.
Here’s more from Fox News on the complaint and how Ocasio-Cortez appeared to have made the alleged illegal payments:
Members of the Washington, D.C.-based Coolidge Reagan Foundation allege in their complaint that when the Brand New Congress PAC (BNC) — a political arm of Brand New Congress LLC, a company that was hired by Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to run and support her campaign — paid Roberts for marketing services, it potentially ran afoul of campaign finance law.
Members of the Washington, D.C.-based Coolidge Reagan Foundation allege in their complaint that when the Brand New Congress PAC (BNC) — a political arm of Brand New Congress LLC, a company that was hired by Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., to run and support her campaign — paid Roberts for marketing services, it potentially ran afoul of campaign finance law.
“It’s not illegal for [Ocasio-Cortez] to pay her boyfriend, but it appears that they created some sort of scheme to avoid claiming the money [as a campaign expense],” Dan Backer, a D.C.-based attorney who filed the complaint on behalf of the foundation, told Fox News. “What exactly did he do for that money?”
It was first reported last week that the Brand New Congress PAC paid Roberts during the early days of the Ocasio-Cortez campaign. According to FEC records, the PAC made two payments to Roberts – one in August 2017 and one in September 2017 – both for $3,000.
The FEC complaint specifically cites the use of “intermediaries” to make the payments, “the vague and amorphous nature of the services Riley ostensibly provided,” the relatively small amount of money raised by the campaign at that stage and “the romantic relationship between Ocasio-Cortez and Riley” in asserting the transactions might violate campaign finance law.
The Coolidge Reagan Foundation — a 501(c)(3) — is requesting that the FEC look into the payments for potential violations on relevant campaign finance laws that state that campaign contributions “shall not be converted by any person to personal use” and that “an authorized committee must report the name and address of each person who has received any disbursement not disclosed.”
As noted by a report last week from I Love My Freedom, Ocasio-Cortez’s team originally attempted to lie and claimed that Roberts was not “officially” part of the campaign and was not being paid.
Roberts has an official government email address and is listed in Ocasio-Cortez’s staff directory.
Reports also indicate that he is being paid by the campaign.
Check it out below:
Sure seem like a big deal, doesn’t it?
It certainly looks like Ocasio-Cortez’s team attempted to hire and pay her boyfriend under the radar, and they got caught.

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