Michael Cohen answered questions for the House Oversight Committee in an attempt to provide “dirt” on President Trump. This testimony came on the same exact day as President Trump’s summit in Vietnam with Kim Jong Un in an attempt to create peace on the Korean peninsula.
On Wednesday, Cohen testified in hope for a possible lighter sentence however he may have just made his life a lot worse. During the testimony, Rep. Mark Meadows unleashed on Cohen for potentially violating the Foreign Agent Disclosure Act (FARA).
According to Fox News, a source close to Meadows stated that a criminal referral “specifically involves Cohen’s consulting on behalf of Kazakhstan’s BTA Bank, as well as consulting for Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis and South Korean aerospace.”
“Mr. Cohen, I’m going to come back to the question that I asked for with regards to your false statements that you submitted to Congress,” Meadows said. “On here, it was very clear that it asks for contracts with foreign entities over the last two years. Have you had any foreign contract with foreign entities, whether it’s Novartis, whether Korean airline, or Kazakhstan BTA Bank? Your testimony earlier said that you had contracts with them. In fact, you went into detail about them.”“I just entered a referral for criminal investigation of Michael Cohen, who violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act by illegally lobbying on behalf of foreign entities without registering,” Meadows said. “Cohen talks about ‘blind loyalty.’ His real blind loyalty? It’s to the almighty dollar.”
Watch the exchange below.
Meadows later took to Twitter. Check out what he said.
Cohen made many outlandish claims during his testimony in attempt to receive approval from the Left, but it seems that he has made things a lot harder for himself. He is already facing up to three years in jail.
Check out what else Fox News reported.
It is unclear what the next steps in Meadows’ referral will be. A source told Fox News that it is “undated and very vague.”Meadows, on Wednesday, also blasted Cohen for ignoring the committee rule that “requires witnesses to provide their testimony to Congress 24 hours in advance of a hearing.” Cohen provided evidence and his opening statement to the committee late Tuesday night.Cohen’s testimony before the House Oversight Committee came after he pleaded guilty to lying to Congress as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential campaign and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates.Cohen is slated to report to prison in May to serve three years.Cohen has been under criminal investigation as part of a grand jury probe into his personal business dealings, including bank fraud and his tax business, since April 2018, when the FBI raided his home, office and hotel room to seize a collection of documents as part of the SDNY’s criminal probe.
At this point, Cohen doesn’t have much more to lose. The purpose of his testimony on Wednesday was to “spill the beans” on the President. Not only did Cohen provided little to no information that was not already publicly known, but he also stated that there was no evidence of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia. THE RUSSIAN COLLUSION CASE MAY AS WELL BE CLOSED.
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