Thursday, February 28, 2019

WATCH: Jim Acosta Throws HISSY FIT After Trump Refused To Call On Him During Vietnam Presser

CNN’s Jim Acosta threw an absolute hissy fit on Thursday after President Donald Trump didn’t call on him during a presser in Vietnam.
While speaking with CNN hosts back in the studio, Acosta spoke about the second summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Acosta went on to complain that Trump called on several other media outlets for questions, but not him.
After noting that Trump walked away from the negotiating table after being unable to reach a major agreement with North Korea, Acosta bizarrely argued that the president “failed” to make a deal.
“I think what will become clear is that the president staked a lot of his presidency on something that is just much more difficult than reality TV. This is not something that can be wrapped up in a season of ‘The Apprentice.,'” Acosta began.
“The president made some strong statements about his affection for the North Korean dictator, showing off the economic boom that has taken place in Vietnam, as a road map for North Korea if they came back into the community of nations,” he added.
He continued, “But that doesn’t seem to be enough for Kim Jong-un to put, really, his entire regime on the line, to take that kind of gamble with the president. It seems, at this point, he’s just not ready to do that.”
There are obviously several issues with Acosta’s claim.
For starters, Trump called on reporters from ABC, Bloomberg, CBS, Fox News, NPR, New York Times, and the Washington Post.
So, it’s not like the president wasn’t picking U.S. reporter — he just didn’t call on fake new CNN because he probably knew Acosta would use the platform to make a scene.
Secondly, this is another reminder of how Acosta also has to make everything about himself.
But more importantly, the Trump-Kim summit this week went about as well as many expected.
When Trump, Kim, and members of their respective delegations at down for a working lunch, Kim told a reporter that he is ready to denuclearize.
Check out what was said:
Asked by a U.S. reporter Thursday in Hanoi whether he’s willing to denuclearize, Kim responded: “If I’m not willing to do that, I wouldn’t be here right now.”
Trump told reporters that that’s what the two are discussing during their second day of talks.
Kim was also asked if the leaders would be talking about human rights, which he’s accused of abusing. But Trump responded to the question instead, telling reporters: “We’re discussing everything.”
The comments came as the two met with an expanded coterie of aides, including U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton.
Pretty powerful response.
This is one of the first times that Kim has specifically stated that he is willing to give up his nuclear weapons.
Trump’s tough tactic on North Korea seems to be working, but nothing will ever be good enough for liberals like Acosta, who obviously think they are more equipped to be running the country.

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