WOW: Nancy Pelosi Gets Asked About Supporting Reparations, Her Answer Is Mind-Boggling
February 28, 2019 Chris Donaldson
Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi may not be totally on board with the socialist Green New Deal that is being pushed by the “future” of the Democratic party Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but it looks like she’s coming around on reparations.
With the Democrats continuing their leftward journey and moral deterioration, the divisive influence of identity politics has swallowed the party’s soul and contributed to the madness of the left following President Trump’s stunning take down of Hillary Clinton.
The reaction to Trump’s election has been nothing short of collective insanity and with a big assist from a complicit and compliant media, the most radical elements of the party – many of them in the Congressional Black Caucus – have had considerable success in promoting the false narrative that the president and all of those who voted for him are guilty of white supremacy and racism.
It’s a really nasty turn and the Democrats no longer resemble anything that has ever been seen in America in terms of a major political party but have become almost overtly racist toward whites, enamored with the ideas of Marx and Lenin and obsessed with doling out punishment to anyone who disagrees with them.
It is a truly radical transformation and with the power-mad Pelosi looking to avenge Hillary by stringing up Trump, she is pandering to those who are pushing for wealth confiscation from people who have never owned a slave to give to those who have never been slaves.
In a stunning display of radicalism, Pelosi has joined the kooks and is supporting a bill that will create a commission that will legitimize the idea that white people will be at some future point be shaken down to pay reparations for slavery.
Pelosi says she supports bill to study issue of reparations for slavery http://hill.cm/KoZ6HWt
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Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday she supports a bill that would establish a commission to study and consider reparations for African-Americans regarding slavery.The resolution, which was reintroduced last year by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas), currently has 35 co-sponsors, though Pelosi’s backing could help lead to more widespread support among the House Democratic Caucus.“As you probably are aware, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has legislation to study this issue, and I support that,” Pelosi said in response to a question about reparations during an event at Howard University in Washington, D.C.The Democratic leader tied studying reparations to a litany of other issues involving inequality, including affordable education and health care, among other issues.“One of the things that we can do not only just in terms of trying to make up for a horrible, sinful thing that happened in our country in terms of slavery, but for our country to live up to who we think we are,” she said.“We have to reduce the disparity in income in our country, we have to reduce the disparity in access to education in an affordable way in our country, reduce the health disparities in our country … so while we’re studying how we deal with the reparations issue, there’s plenty we can do to improve the quality of life of many people in our country,” she said.Pelosi’s office declined to offer additional comment.
Pelosi’s cynical calculus by pandering to extremists will only encourage the 2020 candidates to make the payment of reparations the centerpiece of their campaigns.
Both frontrunner Kamala Harris and Senator Elizabeth Warren have already embraced the scheme.
And with the way that the candidates vying for the White House have rushed to line up in support of AOC’s Green New Deal, look for reparations to become a plank in the party platform.
It won’t sell in the Rust Belt or Middle America but the Democrats have already moved on from those areas into heavily-populated urban cities where there is more low-hanging fruit to be harvested with their socialist proposals.