After Bidensgiving, Bidenmas to Raise Tree Prices 50%
If you thought that Bidensgiving with skimpflation and rising prices, accompanied by intermittent looting and shooting thanks to criminal justice reform, get ready for Bidenmas.
The average price of a natural Christmas tree has spiked significantly amid lower inventory this year, and the owner of a Santa Clarita tree farm says several other factors have contributed to the cost increase.
Elizabeth Warren tried to blame rising turkey prices on a turkey cartel. I can't wait to hear about a tree cartel.
"The shortages of labor, people just not wanting to work, has spiked all the tree prices up north, as well as gas prices have made all the freight charges, bringing trees down south, a lot more expensive," Green said.
"So we still have great selection of trees, we still have a lot of beautiful trees. They've just you know gone up about 20 to 25% this year," he said.
This Is the Worst Time to Buy a Christmas Tree, Experts Say - Best Life
Any time Biden is in office is apparently the worst time.
Bargain hunters know they'll pay a premium for yard and garden goods at the nursery, but this year's prices for Christmas trees can, in some cases, be hair raising. One 13-14 foot noble fir boasted an eye-watering $699.99 price tag, with another noble fir a foot shorter going for the slightly smaller but no less impressive $599.99.
The Biden economy just keeps getting better and better.
”The prices were off the charts. It’s one for the records.”
That was Neil Courtney describing what is billed at the world’s largest Christmas tree auction.
The manager of the Buffalo Valley Produce Auction near Mifflinburg auctioned 51,000 trees of all sizes Friday at prices he said he has never seen.
“I sold more $100 trees than I ever sold in my life,” Courtney said. Frasers that have medium-length needles went for $110, compared with $65 last year, he said.
What that means is people who can find a live tree at a retail establishment will be paying 40% to 50% more than in 2020, he said. The prices will be “incredible,” and customers may have to go to more than one location to find a tree, he said.
“You can’t find trees to buy anywhere,” he said. “I knew it was coming, but it is more serious than we thought.”
The same is true of the Biden administration.
Una Salus
Good example of inflation.
According to Tucker Americans will forgive presidents and Biden whose superficial charm he enjoys all manner of stuff like Afghanistan early in their terms but there's one thing they won't forgive. Well, maybe.