Biomedical tyranny across the globe

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.
In one year's time, governments around the world abandoned democracy and embraced the tyranny established by a cabal of media talking heads, unhinged science bureaucrats and greedy pharmaceutical executives. But humanity is fighting back — and not a minute too soon. This could be the final battle.
Abigail Smith • 6 minutes ago All the governments around the world working in unison to violate our God-given rights of bodily autonomy, freedom of movement, and life, is called, "Operation Lockstep", and has been in the works for years. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy, Jr. He explains everything. Although he's a Democrat, he is of the "old-school" style that cherished freedom. He has spent decades suing big-pharma, and he exposes Dr. Fauci and the NWO fully in his book. The ebook is available for only $2.99 until November 30th. It is a must read. It explains every minute detail of the evil plans of our rulers, and it has over 2000 citations from very, very strong, credible sources. I highly recommend it.
walt woltman • an hour ago Not the final battle, just one leading to the final battle. It will only get worse, and only get harder to come through. ✞
Diane • 2 hours ago WE are living in a true taste of Hell! All of these protests, riots and evil show how out of control everything really is. Please Dear Lord allow Your Son to return to save us again, this time from ourselves.
Antonia • 6 hours ago Great video! Now we NEED a follow-up that focuses on the jab mandate. The mandates are essential in the tyrannical leftist agenda.
weare • 12 hours ago This has been in the works for decades. New world order. Almost a cliche' now but is also called the great reset. The Bush cabal started the ball rolling. Every president except Trump was on board with it.
kristinechristlieb weare • 2 hours ago The Bushes ... and to think I voted for both of them; one of them, twice!
BYZANTINECATHOLIC weare • 5 hours ago "Every president except Trump was on board with it."
That's why all politicians hated President Trump!
That's why they had to get rid of him at all costs!
That's the reason for covid MASS HYSTERIA HOAX!
That;s why the 2020 election was a FRAUD!
MAGA 2022/2024
Philipp Merillat • 14 hours ago • edited Operation Warp Speed like the Manhattan Project? That evil, deadly, and irresponsible disregard for rule of law, conscience or dignity of human life.
President Trump earns an F- for the fake Catholics and drug pushers he trusts.
kristinechristlieb Philipp Merillat • 2 hours ago I agree. It is sad to say, but he was just too trusting.
Diane kristinechristlieb • 2 hours ago Not so fast Kristine. Trump did what he did to try to save us. No one knew, even Trump, how evil people like Fauci really are. COVID was completely out of control and everyone was afraid. It is easy to look in hindsight about what should have been done, but hopefully we and Trump have learned from what happened and will never allow that to happen again. Meanwhile the unelected Biden is insisting that all be vaccinated against their will, even with knowing what we know now.
Diane Philipp Merillat • 2 hours ago Now, fully knowing all of this, the dementia ridden, un-elected Biden is forcing this evil vaccine on all of the United States of America because his patience is wearing thin. The Demoncraps are evil and working with Satan. The mandate is evil.
CatholicFirefighter Philipp Merillat • 13 hours ago That evil, deadly, and irresponsible disregard for rule of law, conscience or dignity of human life?
You earn a triple F- for because President Trump never supported mandating the jab.
Philipp Merillat CatholicFirefighter • 13 hours ago Naivete carries a bigger price tag than distrust of one's enemies.
I did not earn anything. Christ is my King, my Sovereign, and my Governor. No man or woman is His equal. Not even Pope Pachamama.
Hunter_2 • 14 hours ago • edited Great reporting! It's obvious after all this continuous controversy and contradiction, that there's much that has happened during this pandemic that offers skepticism.
kristinechristlieb Hunter_2 • 2 hours ago I know ... when you put it all together ... there is something deeply troubling about all this.
yvobalcer • 15 hours ago This is outstanding and I hope it is available to the general public. Congratulations.
kristinechristlieb yvobalcer • 2 hours ago • edited I hope so too. It was really rewarding to work on this project. The editing is just outstanding. We have so many talented young people at Church Militant.
Richard Bonomo • 15 hours ago Very good presentation. There is a great deal more to be found to understand what we have been and are going through. I find myself wondering who had and has good intentions, and who did and does not; who is working in good faith to resolve a potential medical crisis, and who is seeking to use this, and hype this, in fulfillment of a sociopolitical agenda.
The maniacal insistence on a novel quasi-vaccine to the elimination of every other approach, and the peremptory dismissal of the experience of physicians in the field who report substantial success with therapeutic approaches is very strange.
Thank you for the good work, Kristine. Also, Dr. Mahoney, I love your music!
kristinechristlieb Richard Bonomo • 2 hours ago William did the music ... on his own time! It was a gift to me. He is remarkably talented.
Antonia Richard Bonomo • 7 hours ago • edited See LifeSiteNews for much more comprehensive reporting on COVID and injection mandates. It's clear to me that many doctors and others "on the ground" are acting in complete sincerity, believing what they're being told by the mainstream medical, government, educational, and media institutions. However... I began as a skeptic that at higher levels this could all be planned and/or used for tyrannical purposes. I am now truly convinced that it is part of a larger, very nefarious, leftist agenda.
Eva Marie Bryde • 16 hours ago Excellent research and work, Kristine. I am sharing this with everyone I can.
kristinechristlieb Eva Marie Bryde • 2 hours ago Thanks so much. I just thank God for the opportunity to do this kind of work at ChurchMilitant.
Abigail Smith • 6 minutes ago All the governments around the world working in unison to violate our God-given rights of bodily autonomy, freedom of movement, and life, is called, "Operation Lockstep", and has been in the works for years. Read "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert Kennedy, Jr. He explains everything. Although he's a Democrat, he is of the "old-school" style that cherished freedom. He has spent decades suing big-pharma, and he exposes Dr. Fauci and the NWO fully in his book. The ebook is available for only $2.99 until November 30th. It is a must read. It explains every minute detail of the evil plans of our rulers, and it has over 2000 citations from very, very strong, credible sources. I highly recommend it.
walt woltman • an hour ago Not the final battle, just one leading to the final battle. It will only get worse, and only get harder to come through. ✞
Diane • 2 hours ago WE are living in a true taste of Hell! All of these protests, riots and evil show how out of control everything really is. Please Dear Lord allow Your Son to return to save us again, this time from ourselves.
Antonia • 6 hours ago Great video! Now we NEED a follow-up that focuses on the jab mandate. The mandates are essential in the tyrannical leftist agenda.
weare • 12 hours ago This has been in the works for decades. New world order. Almost a cliche' now but is also called the great reset. The Bush cabal started the ball rolling. Every president except Trump was on board with it.
kristinechristlieb weare • 2 hours ago The Bushes ... and to think I voted for both of them; one of them, twice!
BYZANTINECATHOLIC weare • 5 hours ago "Every president except Trump was on board with it."
That's why all politicians hated President Trump!
That's why they had to get rid of him at all costs!
That's the reason for covid MASS HYSTERIA HOAX!
That;s why the 2020 election was a FRAUD!SAVE AMERICA!
MAGA 2022/2024
Philipp Merillat • 14 hours ago • edited Operation Warp Speed like the Manhattan Project? That evil, deadly, and irresponsible disregard for rule of law, conscience or dignity of human life.
President Trump earns an F- for the fake Catholics and drug pushers he trusts.kristinechristlieb Philipp Merillat • 2 hours ago I agree. It is sad to say, but he was just too trusting.
Diane kristinechristlieb • 2 hours ago Not so fast Kristine. Trump did what he did to try to save us. No one knew, even Trump, how evil people like Fauci really are. COVID was completely out of control and everyone was afraid. It is easy to look in hindsight about what should have been done, but hopefully we and Trump have learned from what happened and will never allow that to happen again. Meanwhile the unelected Biden is insisting that all be vaccinated against their will, even with knowing what we know now.
Diane Philipp Merillat • 2 hours ago Now, fully knowing all of this, the dementia ridden, un-elected Biden is forcing this evil vaccine on all of the United States of America because his patience is wearing thin. The Demoncraps are evil and working with Satan. The mandate is evil.
CatholicFirefighter Philipp Merillat • 13 hours ago That evil, deadly, and irresponsible disregard for rule of law, conscience or dignity of human life?
You earn a triple F- for because President Trump never supported mandating the jab.
Philipp Merillat CatholicFirefighter • 13 hours ago Naivete carries a bigger price tag than distrust of one's enemies.
I did not earn anything. Christ is my King, my Sovereign, and my Governor. No man or woman is His equal. Not even Pope Pachamama.
Hunter_2 • 14 hours ago • edited Great reporting! It's obvious after all this continuous controversy and contradiction, that there's much that has happened during this pandemic that offers skepticism.
kristinechristlieb Hunter_2 • 2 hours ago I know ... when you put it all together ... there is something deeply troubling about all this.
yvobalcer • 15 hours ago This is outstanding and I hope it is available to the general public. Congratulations.
kristinechristlieb yvobalcer • 2 hours ago • edited I hope so too. It was really rewarding to work on this project. The editing is just outstanding. We have so many talented young people at Church Militant.
Richard Bonomo • 15 hours ago Very good presentation. There is a great deal more to be found to understand what we have been and are going through. I find myself wondering who had and has good intentions, and who did and does not; who is working in good faith to resolve a potential medical crisis, and who is seeking to use this, and hype this, in fulfillment of a sociopolitical agenda.
The maniacal insistence on a novel quasi-vaccine to the elimination of every other approach, and the peremptory dismissal of the experience of physicians in the field who report substantial success with therapeutic approaches is very strange.
Thank you for the good work, Kristine. Also, Dr. Mahoney, I love your music!
kristinechristlieb Richard Bonomo • 2 hours ago William did the music ... on his own time! It was a gift to me. He is remarkably talented.
Antonia Richard Bonomo • 7 hours ago • edited See LifeSiteNews for much more comprehensive reporting on COVID and injection mandates. It's clear to me that many doctors and others "on the ground" are acting in complete sincerity, believing what they're being told by the mainstream medical, government, educational, and media institutions. However... I began as a skeptic that at higher levels this could all be planned and/or used for tyrannical purposes. I am now truly convinced that it is part of a larger, very nefarious, leftist agenda.
Eva Marie Bryde • 16 hours ago Excellent research and work, Kristine. I am sharing this with everyone I can.
kristinechristlieb Eva Marie Bryde • 2 hours ago Thanks so much. I just thank God for the opportunity to do this kind of work at ChurchMilitant.