Wednesday, November 24, 2021

RESISTING VAX MANDATES NEWS: VIDEO Hunter Bradford • • November 24, 2021 0 Comments Cleveland Catholic school jabbing children



by Hunter Bradford  •  •  November 24, 2021    0 Comments

Cleveland Catholic school jabbing children

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As the bishops failed to lead from the front in Baltimore, a Catholic school in Cleveland, Ohio is vaxing children. Some Resistance members showed up to protest. And Church Militant's Hunter Bradford reveals yet another example of a prelate taking a knee to Big Pharma.

With the pastor's permission, St. Albert the Great School in North Royalton is uselessly jamming the jab on kids as young as 5.

Some of the faithful showed up to protest, including a nurse who believes the jab is gene therapy.

Protester: "It changes the DNA of the recipient. And for that, I believe people are gonna have to answer to God for why did we do that. Are we are playing God? And we are with this vaccine."

Of course, many were there to protect the children from a vaccine still very much in the experimentation process

Some, however, were also there to save their own soul.

Lynn Willig, protester: "In Nazi Germany only 3% of the people resisted. ... I'm here because I don't want to die and face God and say I did nothing in the face of this evil."

The leader of Cleveland's Resistance arm voiced a concern shared by many Americans.

Liz Kent: "It's kind of creepy, don't you think, to have humans injected with other human cells? I mean that's just creepy. Why, why do we have to make a shot with any kind of human cell in any way? What's up with that?"

She also had words for the pastor, Fr. Edward Estok.

Liz Kent: "Oh gosh, repent or resign maybe? I mean, he should not be perpetrating and propagating this horrendous shot for anybody."

The vaccine has added another element in the war against the Culture of Death. Christians need to be ready to fight.

St. Albert's still decided to give kids the vaccine despite having only 52 cases of COVID since August, and the jab generally being unnecessary for kids.


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