Pious Prevarication :: By Terry James
“It’s about health care for our children, clean air, clean water, it’s about jobs, jobs, jobs; good paying union jobs, to keep us preeminent in green technologies throughout the world.”
With that statement, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi summed up her assessment of what the globalist religion will do to make American’s life Heaven on earth.
She declared, in lauding the Biden Build Back Better Act bill passed by the house:
“For me, it’s a religious thing. I believe this is God’s creation and we have moral obligation to be good stewards. But if you don’t share that view, you must share the view that we have an obligation to future generations.”
Pelosi, who was raised a Catholic and claims the moral high ground in the American political sphere, as do most of her Democrat colleagues, says she believes that God created this earth. Thus, she and all of us must sacrifice what is necessary and spend what is necessary to be good stewards.
The following somewhat encompasses the matters involved.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that the Democrats’ effort to dedicate over $550 billion of taxpayer funding toward climate change initiatives in President Biden’s Build Back Better Act has a religious meaning…
“So we’re very excited about what is in there, and it is paid for.”
Biden’s nearly $2 trillion bill also continues the Democrats’ expansion of the Child Tax Credit that passed in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, a coronavirus stimulus bill. For the first time, parents not earning income can claim the Child Tax Credit on their tax returns up to $3,600 per child, depending on their age.
“It’s about health care for our children, clean air, clean water, it’s about jobs, jobs, jobs; good paying union jobs, to keep us preeminent in green technologies throughout the world,” Pelosi said.
The California Democrat also touted the universal pre-K provisions of the bill.
“This legislation is so historic. It is so transformative,” she said. “Free, universal pre-K. Childcare, we’re lowering the costs.”
Biden’s Build Back Better Act is estimated to cost $4.79 trillion if its policies are made permanent, according to the Committee for a Responsible Budget. (“Pelosi on $550 billion climate spending: ‘For me, it’s a religious thing,’” Just The News)
So we are expected to believe that Speaker Pelosi hereby expresses her religious principles, and they speak for many of her political party’s thinking, whether with religious imperative or just as a matter of ideology. As we’ve heard since the years of the Clintons’ time in presidential power, “It’s for the children.” Everything must be done on the children’s behalf to assure that future generations can enjoy the American experience in the best way possible.
We should understand, I suppose, that this all means Ms. Pelosi and her party of generous spenders—who tax us to achieve their noblesse oblige for the children’s sake—hold to biblical principles. Well…not in every case, perhaps.
There is the matter of what they wholeheartedly support with regard to human sexuality. There seems to be a disconnect between the Democrat Party and the Bible in this regard.
The party champions every form of alternate sexuality, from homosexuality to transsexuality and beyond. The Bible says these things are abomination and that anyone who is involved in such will not enter Heaven.
The party line is that abortion is the woman’s “right to choose.” They refuse to see the fetus as a viable human being in most instances. God’s Word, the Bible, says that children are precious to God, and a horrific punishment is made on anyone or any system that sheds the blood of the innocent.
It seems that Ms. Pelosi’s great concern for the children goes only so far into the political ether. It dissipates somewhere shortly after such declarations are made that everything they do must protect the children now and for the future.
More than seventy million children have been murdered—most for the sake of sexual convenience. OOPS!—A major disconnect of what Ms. Pelosi and her party’s rulership claim from what God’s Word demands.
But we remember that her party is the party that, verbally and in action, has determined to keep the God of Heaven out of their platform.
They, then, must embrace another god and that god’s imprimatur in the matter of the children. Their god must whisper to them that it’s a good thing to use the children to promote his religion of Mother Earth worship, but to view children as unnecessary and unwanted if they might interfere with doing what is right in their own eyes—and their sexual proclivities.
Here’s what God’s Word has to say about those who embrace such prevarication and their god.
“You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).