Michigan group rallies the troops

There are signs America is awakening to the pervasive corruption associated with the COVID crisis. Church Militant's Kristine Christlieb visited Saturday morning with a grassroots organization ready to lead the charge against the COVID overlords.
Tammy Clark: "Because now is the time to finish this. It needs to be ended."
Michigan for Vaccine Choice has been advocating for the importance of informed consent since the '90s, but at their event on Saturday the group took aim at the COVID mandates — lockdowns, masks and vaccines — and urged attendees to fire at will.
Nearly 200 people gave up their usual Saturday morning activities and filled a church auditorium in West Bloomfield, Michigan, a suburb of Detroit.
Three experts — a cellular and molecular biologist, a senior industrial hygienist and an OSHA-trained whistleblower — spent three hours explaining the fear, the pressure and the lies behind the COVID pandemic.
University of Michigan-trained molecular biologist Dr. Christina Parks warned that vaccinated individuals will not have protection from virus mutations.
Dr. Christina Parks: As these variants come up, what's going to happen is the vaccinated are not going to have protection against them but the naturally immune will."
Tammy Clark, an OSHA environmental health and safety expert, described what Americans are battling.
Tammy Clark: "Four hundred and seventy-some pages of mandates on us because they want permanent mandates and lockdowns and masks and jabs. They want you to have to get booster shots indefinitely."
One expert addressed the power of propaganda in public health management.
Kristen Meghan, senior industrial hygienist: "Mask, mask, mask, mask. Big Bird says it. Cartoons say it — Paw Patrol. They're all getting vaccinated. They shove it down your throat. They shove it down your children's throats."
The speakers emphasized the urgency of this moment in history.
Tammy Clark: "Because this is the implementation of the New World Order. They are calling it the Great Reset. It has been in the works for decades."
The speakers at this event were unified in their message: Be prepared, hold the line. This is war.
It's not just America that's awakening; over the weekend, rallies all over the globe attracted tens of thousands of protestors — hundreds of thousands. We're going to have more on that a little later in the broadcast.