Tuesday, November 23, 2021

BISHOP BLESSES PRO-DEATH PREMIER’S TYRANNY NEWS: WORLD NEWS...by Jules Gomes • ChurchMilitant.com • November 22, 2021 52 Comments Oz prelate hands state blank check to ban unjabbed from Mass



by Jules Gomes  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  November 22, 2021    52 Comments

Oz prelate hands state blank check to ban unjabbed from Mass

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TOWNSVILLE, Australia (ChurchMiliant.com) - An Australian bishop has handed the pro-euthanasia and pro-abortion premier of Queensland a blank check to bar unvaccinated Catholics from attending Holy Mass if she orders him to do so. 

Bp. Harris celebrating an "indigenous" Mass in Abergowrie

"If the state were to restrict church services to vaccinated persons for a short time, we would also follow that direction," warns Timothy J. Harris, bishop of Townsville, a diocese in the state of Queensland.

Harris' missive, posted on his Twitter account, smears conscientious objectors to the abortion-tainted jab as "spreading gossip and dubious information" and orders clergy and other church workers to be "vaccinated immediately." 

Kowtowing to Government

The Church accepts "legitimate government action to protect the community," the bishop stresses.

"This diocese will cooperate with all government regulation and advice, seeking to provide a good example to our community," he writes in a diocesan "pastoral letter supporting COVID-19 vaccinations." 

"Fully vaccinated Queenslanders will be rewarded to keep our freedoms from 17 December or when we reach the 80% double-dosed milestone," premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, who was baptized Catholic, announced Nov. 9. "Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep our freedoms."

Have these bishops no idea of what the feast of Christ the King means? Are they serving Pilate or Jesus Christ?GabTweet

Harris does not define the boundaries of "legitimate government action" and does not cite the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) decree, which rules "vaccination is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary."

"I find myself continually baffled by the craven and cowardly way the Australian bishops bow to the state and despise their own flock," a priest from Australia told Church Militant. "Have these bishops no idea of what the feast of Christ the King means? Are they serving Pilate or Jesus Christ?" 

Queensland cafe owner stands up to mandatory vaccination

The faithful priest added: 

There is no intelligence in what they say or do, but rather emotional manipulation and complete subservience to the message of the media and the politicians. This is so far from the gospel and the Lord Jesus, whom they blaspheme whenever they use Him to justify the lies and deception that blinds them.

In his letter, Bp. Harris — who was appointed to the episcopate by Pope Francis — cites shutting church services and insisting on failed "QR code check-ins" as grounds for barring the unvaccinated faithful altogether from Holy Mass. The government is requiring citizens to verify their whereabouts by responding within minutes of a request via cell phone.

Facts or Fiction?

Without acknowledging exposés on the large-scale corruption of pharmaceutical companies pushing the vaccine and the unfounded fearmongering of governments in several Western countries, the 59-year-old bishop insists they are telling the "truth." 

The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history.GabTweet

"All Christians should try to find the truth and use that in their Christian journey and relationships with others," Harris writes, urging Catholics to only check "reputable websites at State or Commonwealth health departments or scientific organizations linked to them." 

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's road map to tyranny

"Social media is not a reliable source of information about vaccines" as "there are many false websites and impostors," the bishop warns, failing to note that a significant proportion of data circulating on social media is from top scientists and peer-reviewed medical journals. 

Over 13,000 physicians and medical scientists contesting vaccine safety and efficacy signed the Rome Declaration on COVID-19 in September, alerting citizens to the "deadly consequences of disrupting life-saving treatment and suppressing open scientific discussion."

The Rome summit, convened in September at the Italian Senate by inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology Dr. Robert Malone, included top vaccinologists, epidemiologists, virologists, immunologists and general practitioners. 

Harris also does not mention the Great Barrington Declaration published by infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists questioning lockdowns — a policy strongly advocated by the bishop and brutally enforced by Palaszczuk. 

So far, 44,541 doctors and 15,091 medical and public health scientists have signed the Great Barrington Declaration, authored by Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kuldorff, Stanford professor of health policy Jay Bhattacharya, and Oxford university infectious diseases epidemiologist Sunetra Gupta

Ignoring Catastrophe

The prelate also makes no mention of government databases including Australia's Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), America's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), or Britain's Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), which are recording a significant number of fatalities and adverse events from the vaccine.  

"As the number of people being vaccinated has increased, so has reporting of fatal events with a coincidental association with vaccination," TGA reports, noting it is investigating cases of heart inflammation, blood clots and other adverse events. 

"As of Nov. 1, 2021, there have been more adverse events reported for the COVID vaccines than for all 70+ vaccines combined since they started tracking adverse events 30 years ago," writes Steve Kirsch, executive director of Vaccine Safety Research Foundation.

Getting vaccinated is the best way to keep our freedoms. GabTweet

"The COVID vaccines are the most dangerous vaccines in human history," Kirsch warns. "They are 800 times more deadly than the smallpox vaccine, which was the previous record holder. The vaccines have killed over 150,000 Americans and permanently disabled even more."

"If you are a prominent supporter of the false narrative and want a public debate, we are here for you" as "we have no desire to spread misinformation," Kirsch observes. "What we found in the VAERS analysis can be verified by anyone because it is all publicly accessible."

Australian anti-mask mandate demonstrator at a protest  

Harris also evades the highly contested debate on vaccine efficacy and safety in prestigious peer-reviewed medical journals like the British Medical JournalThe Lancet and Vaccines, instead claiming "disinformation against vaccines is reducing vaccination rates and increasing deaths around the world." 

A year-long study published Oct. 29 in The Lancet concluded: "Fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts."    

"Stigmatizing the unvaccinated is not justified," Günter Kampf of the Institute for Hygiene and Environmental Medicine argued in The Lancet Saturday, as "there is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission."  

Harris, however, maintains: "We accept the overwhelming scientific consensus" that "we have well-tested, registered and approved, effective and safe vaccines in Australia."

Ironically, the bishop, who himself lacks medical or scientific training and only has a bachelor's degree in theology, pontificates: "If you lack knowledge and expertise and so cannot verify such information, don't spread it." 

Pro-Death Premier

In September, Queensland passed the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2021 (VAD), a bill vigorously championed by pro-euthanasia premier Palaszczuk, who was raised Catholic and attended Catholic St. Mary's College, Ipswich.

If you lack knowledge and expertise and cannot verify such information, don't spread it. GabTweet

Palaszczuk was responsible for legalizing abortion in 2018 in Queensland and won a vote to remove child murder from the state's criminal code by framing it as a health issue rather than a legal issue.

The premier, who has enforced one of the most draconian lockdowns in the world, also passed legislation prohibiting pro-lifers from entering "safe access zones of 150 meters" surrounding abortion mills.

Harris, who challenged Palaszczuk's VAD arguing it was contrary to the Catholic belief of "Thou shalt not kill," continues to support the premier on lockdowns and mandatory abortion-tainted vaccination. 

On Wednesday, Abp. Mark Coleridge of Brisbane, the capital of Queensland, issued an iron-fisted diktat banning priests who are not double vaccinated and threatening to suspend the faculties of clergy who conscientiously object to the jab, Church Militant reported.


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