Sunday, November 28, 2021

Out of Zion Podcast / Walk Thru the Bible Series When God Speaks (Week 37)



When God Speaks (Week 37)

The book of Job is one that we usually rather avoid! God said Himself that Job was blameless—He feared God and shunned evil. Yet He let down the protective hedge around Job and allowed him to suffer tremendous loss. When Job passed the test with a humble response, the Lord allowed even more loss into his life.

God wanted to prove the stuff Job was made of! But what a test. Most of us read it and cringe. And then scour the book for someone to blame. That is exactly what Job’s three friends did. They offered many explanations and pointed the finger at Job, driving him deep into despair.

Then God spoke. And everything changed in an instant.

I don’t know if you have ever experienced God speaking to you—it might be in a still small voice, a word from a friend, or a Scripture verse. But when God speaks, it is not just with words to satisfy our intellect; it is with power. You may have sensed this as an overwhelming peace filling you head to foot. Or you may have found supernatural resolve and the ability to do what you felt the Lord was directing you to do. The Holy Spirit spoke those words into your spirit, and the encounter can be life-changing.

Job encountered the presence of God in an instant He had a whole new perspective. He said, “My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore, I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). Job realized God did not owe him anything. And in the face of the Almighty, Job was just a spec of dust. Who was he to have questioned God?

God then restored everything to Job and more so. Job’s pain and suffering had positioned him to move beyond just knowing about God to encountering God. When God spoke, it was with such power and revelation that Job was a changed person.

Join me for this Out of Zion podcast, “When God Speaks”. Walk Thru the Bible with me each week by downloading our Bible reading plan, and get started reading right away!

Invite your friends and family to join us! I can’t wait to Walk Thru the Bible with you!

About this episode:

The book of Job teaches many lessons—one is how God speaks with power and not just words. When God speaks to us it is often accompanied with an overwhelming peace or with the resolve and commitment necessary to obey His prompting. Job encountered this power when God spoke to him, and his life was forever changed. This episode complements the daily readings from our Walk Thru the Bible reading plan for October 11-17, covering Job.


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