Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Jew-Hate Rising And the consequences for the world. Tue Nov 30, 2021 Dr. Shmuel Katz 8 comments


Jew-Hate Rising

And the consequences for the world.


This article originally appeared in The Jerusalem Post.

The major instigators of antisemitism today come from the radical right, radical left and radical Islam. Even though these three major groups despise each other, and would like to destroy each other, they are united in their irrational hate of the Jewish people.

These haters of Israel and Jews, are distorting and manipulating the important concepts of advancing human rights, fighting foreign occupations, pursuing peace and equality, in order to make them fit into a new narrative of “intersectionality." Meaning, anti-Semites and anti-Zionists are "hijacking solidarity" by joining other minority groups, in order to use them to amplify their hate towards Israel.

Many books have been written about this phenomenon, but it seems that the most recent wave of antisemitism has gained momentum due to a deceptive, multimillion-dollar, “influence machine” that is targeting and supporting the pernicious denial of the well documented right of the Jewish people to their ancestral homeland in the land of Israel. The overwhelming majority of Jews are considered to be supporters of Israel, and therefore all Jews are being targeted. 

This “influence machine”, is working overtime to paint the Arab-Palestinian Authority and Hamas terror group as being the underdogs, instead of being called out for what they really are. Entities that brainwash children and adults with a hatred of Jews, pay salaries to terrorists, all while Hamas continues to build a terror infrastructure designed to kill Israeli civilians and destroy the State of Israel. 

The reach of this “influence machine” extends to universities, print and online media outlets, and the Western public at large, without being challenged in an adequate manner. To make the war on this misinformation even worse, there are many oblivious and naïve Jewish students and adults, who think that if they stand against their Jewish sisters and brothers and against the only Jewish State, that they will be respected by these anti-Zionists groups. They are so wrong.

Exposing and dispelling the lies and deception in an effective way will require a massive international effort, which will have to include cooperation between the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities. The world needs to wake up and understand that if we allow this dangerous brain washing to continue, the future of all humanity is in jeopardy, and it doesn’t differentiate between Jews and non-Jews.  

A classic example can be found in the way that Nazi Germany started off by exterminating innocent Jews, but eventually ended up destroyed the lives of millions of people who weren’t Jewish. The same can be said for terrorists who have attacked targets around the world, in New York, Pittsburg, Oklahoma, London, Paris, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Gaza. They don’t care who the actual victims are and don’t differentiate between their political beliefs or religion.

So, how can we fight this growing, dangerous trend of like-minded people who are being brainwashed by this “influence machine” to become anti-Israel? 

Firstly, education is key. People from different religions should learn more about Jewish history and the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel, especially to Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria, which have become focal points in the Israeli-Palestinian discourse. Secondly, we need to expose the main players and the money trail behind this multimillion-dollar “influence machine”, it uses social media, international media, education institutions, NGOs and more, to undermine Israel's right to exist as Jewish-Democratic state. Finally, we need to work harder, to show non-Jewish people and non-Zionists in the West, that standing for Israel and fighting hate against Jews is in their interest. If the Jews and the Jewish State get weaker, the West and liberal values will also get weaker. If the Jews and the democratic State of Israel flourish, the future of free Western societies will flourish as well.

0 points
12 hours ago

The world is at the point of unbelief in anything that it will take a cataclysmic event to bring it back to reality and sanity again. But it will take seven years to get there.

0 points
4 minutes ago

Why seven years?

0 points
40 minutes ago

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Kynarion Hellenis
0 points
103 minutes ago

The Jews are inextricably linked to the western values that have made this nation great and to the land of Israel. Their continued existence as a distinct people is strong evidence that the LORD is faithful. God bless them.

Linda Marion
-1 points
78 minutes ago

The widespread cowardice at the necessity of confronting the savagery of "one of the World's Great Religions" over its hatred of the Jews and everyone else who does not share its particular version of The Mythology is a horrifying restart of what resulted in the Holocaust 80 years ago. Mysticism is not an absolutely necessary component of such mass hysteria, but it is particularly difficult to combat an enemy who can claim "faith" as its guiding "principle". It confers automatic pseudo-respect from so many. Otherwise they might just be recognized by all outside their sphere of influence as the gang of thugs they are, as in so many other cases of totalitarianism.

0 points
12 minutes ago

You, Lindiloo, are practicing the ancient religion of Moloch who sacrificed children. Your support and participation in Abortions is proof of your evil acts.

You mock a religion based on 'love for everyone' but practice a pagan religion that kills innocent children. How messed up is that?

-1 points
2 hours ago

Another terrible article!

Israel has been flourishing... even through satanic islamic persecution... and the West has been declining...

The problem for Israel is... the satanic quran! Which teaches hatred for the Jews.

Meanwhile... every gallon of gasoline we pump funds satanic islam's quest to wipe the Jews out to sea... and... it's satanic islam that keeps the Protocols in print.

The Sowdi's can only buy so many gold toilets...


"cooperation between the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities." <<< You're not gonna get satanic worshiping muslims to cooperate. Unless you convince them their satanic quran is wrong! <<< Which no one will be able to do...


So what is the outcome?

A few years of fake Peace... one day. Which will be broken and those living in Israel will be persecuted like no other time in history.


"Education is Key"? <<< Maybe so... but I would add... changing the beliefs of those who hate the Jews! Those who believe the Jews are out to take over the world. Something I don't see here on FPM.

The question first begins with... "Why do people hate the Jews and Israel's existence?" Then maybe you might help change beliefs.

0 points
5 minutes ago

How are you going to convince Muslims that the Koran is wrong? What is your plan?

How do you 'change the beliefs of those who hate the Jews'?

Muslims kill any Muslim who becomes an Unbeliever.

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