Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Biden's Hanukkah Gift to Israel is Seizing Jerusalem for the Islamic Terrorists Killing Jews Biden’s ban on Jewish prayer and life in Jerusalem is a reminder of Chanukah’s resistance to religious tyranny. Mon Nov 29, 2021 Daniel Greenfield 21 comments


Biden's Hanukkah Gift to Israel is Seizing Jerusalem for the Islamic Terrorists Killing Jews

Biden’s ban on Jewish prayer and life in Jerusalem is a reminder of Chanukah’s resistance to religious tyranny.


Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center specializing in investigative reporting on the Left and Islamic terrorism.

Some 2,200 years ago, Antiochus IV set up an idol in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and had pigs sacrificed on the altar. Joseph Biden II has his own plans for a pig and an altar in Jerusalem.

Bidentiochus’ Chanukah gift to the Jews is an Islamic terrorist consulate in Jerusalem.

Like Antiochus, the Biden administration has spent the past few months alternately terrorizing and bribing Israelis to accept its plans for a consulate to the terrorists killing Jews in Jerusalem.

“We want the American Consulate to constitute the seed of a U.S. embassy in the State of Palestine,” Mohammad Shtayyeh, the PLO’s current prime minister, had boasted.

Biden is clearly on the same page.

Russia and China operate diplomatic missions to the PLO in Ramallah. If the Biden administration really wanted to open a consulate to be closer to the terrorists, they would stick it in that terrorist capital: a former Christian city taken over by Islamic killers as their base in Israel.

Instead like the old dead Syrian-Greek tyrant, Biden wants to plant his idol in Jerusalem.

Antiochus had forbidden the Jews to keep the Sabbath, inaugurate the new monthly moon of Rosh Chodesh, and celebrate the holidays. Biden followed in his footsteps by forbidding the Jews to celebrate Jerusalem Day marking the liberation and reunification of the city.

The joyous celebration in which children sing and wave Israeli flags, and thousands of people from across the country and the world take part in a parade through the Old City, was denounced by Biden's State Department as a "provocation". What else is a provocation?


The Biden administration ordered Israel to “preserve the historic status quo on the Haram al-Sharif / Temple Mount – in word and in practice.” This “historic status quo” was imposed by the Muslim occupiers and bans Jews from praying at their own holiest site.

The Trump peace plan had proposed that, “People of every faith should be permitted to pray on the Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, in a manner that is fully respectful to their religion, taking into account the times of each religion's prayers and holidays, as well as other religious factors."

The PLO, Hamas, and the Biden administration rejected this call for basic religious freedom.

Instead the Biden administration, following in the footsteps of Antiochus, has ordered that only Islamic idolatry should be permitted on the site of the Holy Temple.

The only thing Biden hasn’t done is erect an altar to Zeus and sacrifice a pig on it.

Maybe he’s saving that for his next Chanukah party.

The Biden administration restarted the flow of cash to the PLO even though the Islamic terrorist group continues to incite and finance the murder of Jews. In the week before Chanukah, an Islamic terrorist opened fire in Jerusalem’s Old City killing Eliyahu David Kay, a 26-year-old guide at the remnant of the Temple known as the Western Wall, and wounding 4 others.

The PLO’s Palestinian Authority media declared that the terrorist had “died as a martyr.”

In response, Biden’s State Department warned its employees to stop visiting the Old City so that none of its personnel will be caught up in the terrorist attacks that the administration is funding.

When Biden isn’t sending hundreds of millions of dollars in “aid” to the Taliban in Afghanistan, he’s dispatching hundreds of millions to the Palestinian Industrial Terrorist Complex. Hundreds of millions of dollars a year is what the PLO spends on its “Pay-to-Slay” program for terrorists.

Meanwhile the Biden administration is applying diplomatic pressure on Israel by refusing to vote against a UN resolution calling for the destruction of the Jewish State and warning against allowing Jews to live in homes in parts of Israel claimed by its Islamic terrorist allies.

The creation of a terrorist consulate in Jerusalem is against both Israeli and American law.

When President Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, he followed the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. The Act had been co-sponsored by Biden and stated in plain language that, “Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Before that, Biden had co-sponsored 1992's SR-113 which had congratulated "the residents of Jerusalem and the people of Israel on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the reunification of that historic city" and called on "the President and the Secretary of State to issue an unequivocal statement in support of these principles." Maybe Biden ought to follow his own resolution.

In 1990, Biden co-sponsored SSR-0106 which had gone even further by denouncing "ambiguous statements by the Government of the United States concerning the right of Jews to live in all parts of Jerusalem" which "raise concerns in Israel that Jerusalem might one day be redivided and access to religious sites in Jerusalem denied to Israeli citizens."

From that Biden has gone on to denounce the right of Jews to live and pray in Jerusalem.

When an Israeli court ruled that Muslim occupiers who had been illegally resettled by the UN in Jewish homes in Jerusalem when Jordan invaded, occupied, and ethnically cleansed the holy city had to pay rent or leave, the Biden administration warned Israel not to evict the occupiers.

While Jews don’t have a right to live in their own homes in Jerusalem, Biden wants to impose his terrorist consulate on Jerusalem on behalf of the Islamic terror state he hopes to create.

Having turned over Afghanistan to Al Qaeda, ISIS-K, and the Taliban, he wants to turn over Jerusalem to the PLO and Hamas.

Biden had vowed during his campaign to open a terror consulate in Jerusalem without even consulting the Jewish State. Now as Chanukah approaches he is ramping up the pressure. The Islamists and appeasers in Biden’s State Department have reportedly taken to yelling and threatening Israeli officials over their refusal to place Biden’s PLO pig on the altar.

But the legacy of Chanukah tells us that the fortitude of faith can prevail over tyranny.

The Democrats and the media pretended that their problem wasn’t with Israel, but with Netanyahu. And yet now that Netanyahu is out of office, nothing has changed at all.

They didn’t hate Netanyahu: they hated the Jewish State. Just like they don’t hate any particular Republican president, when they burn American flags and cities: they hate America.

Like Antiochus, they hate the religious conviction and moral tradition that Israel represents. It’s what drives their obsession with denying Jews the right to pray at the Temple Mount, and with struggling to keep Jews out of  every house in the city that exists as a living testament of G-d.

Why is the Biden administration following in the footsteps of Obama’s religious war to claim Jerusalem for Islam? How better to destroy the roots of the Jewish and Christian religions?

The Biden administration wants to turn Chanukah from a celebration of religious rebirth to its suppression in the very city where the faith and arms of a tiny people defeated the might of an evil empire and unleashed a heavenly fire from a neglected flask of oil in the Holy Temple.

As Jews light the menorah once again the way that their ancestors thousands of years lit that single menorah, flooding the courtyards and alleyways of Jerusalem with a golden glow, they send a message to Antiochus IV and Biden II that faith in G-d is stronger than any tyrant.

Mo de profit
4 points
31 hours ago

This article alone should be enough for any leftist elite to realise what an opportunistic politician biden is.

Sadly because it doesn’t attack Israel they won’t read it.

1 point
15 hours ago

Most of them would agree with Biden's current stance and condemn him for his earlier work.

Algorithmic Analyst
4 points
33 hours ago

Great article, thanks! Resistance to Totalitarianism.

Mo de profit
2 points
31 hours ago

That resistance has been sadly lacking across the western world for the last two years of UN generated fear.

Horton-Hears A'Who
3 points
24 hours ago

Biden is the modern-day equivalent of Neville Chamberlain, who gave into Hitler's aggression and allowed Hitler to occupy the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. Did that stop Hitler's aggression - no! He went on to invade the rest of Czechoslovakia and then Poland, which started WW2.

Now Biden is attempting to give in to the unreasonable demands of the Muslims to ban Jews from access to the Temple Mount (which means it's the place where the old Jewish Temple was). Biden like Chamberlain thinks appeasement of aggressors works but it doesn't! Then the Muslims will want more demands on Jewish restrictions, until they plan another war against Israel. Donald Trump was like Winston Churchill, he was brash, said things leftists didn't like but was feared by his enemies! The sooner Biden and his leftist appeasers are out of office the better!

Jeff Bargholz
0 points
18 hours ago

Dementia Joe obviously does as he's told by his handlers.

2 points
22 hours ago

How come biden has the right to stick is filthy nose in the INTIMATE affairs of another nation? I understand that the whole of Jerusalem came under Israeli control in 27 June 1967. What does that ignorant biden WHO IS DESTROYING THE COUNTRY THAT HE LIVES IN, have anything to do with Jerusalem? And is Bennet allowing him to do this???? Please throw AWAY all the muslims, take appart that muslim mosque and replant it in Gaza where it is more welcome. Israel is for Israelis but because of SOFT LEFTISTS in Israel today it is going the OTHER way

Thomas McGowan
2 points
20 hours ago

I am a Roman Catholic and recognize the importance of The Temple Mount to Jews, who certainly had a long history and affiliation with the Temple Mount as the most important site for Jews. But the Mount was also an important site for Christians with churches having been built there by Christians will before Muslims ever existed. One of the earliest ones was destroyed by the Persians in 614. Subsequetnly, when Crusaders occupied the area it was also used as a church. What is odd is that the Saudis do not even recognize the Mount as being of any importance with the only two holy sites being in Saudi Arabia. In the Bible, Jesus Christ also had a sacred relation to the Mount. It is important to three religions and for one only to pray there is against religious rights of all persons.

1 point
21 hours ago

There is one coming who will light the whole world with His presence, and His enemies, will be lit up in another place, really hot.

Steven Brizel
1 point
22 hours ago

All of the above is consistent with Biden's wholesale appeasement of terror

1 point
29 hours ago

Yalla. Throw the bastards out and be done with it.

1 point
15 hours ago

How flexible Biden's back must be. Bending so far over for the Palestinians !

Jeff Bargholz
0 points
112 minutes ago

He's probably kneeling on a prayer rug with his pants down around his ankles.

errol phillips
0 points
7 hours ago

"Why is the Biden administration following in the footsteps of Obama’s religious war to claim Jerusalem for Islam? How better to destroy the roots of the Jewish and Christian religions?"

The first arrow hit the very center of the bullseye. The 2nd arrow split the first. This struggle to tear people away from God is at the center of all of the evil we see from the Muslims, the Marxists, Biden, Obama, Soros, et al. We know how the story ends, so all should take comfort.

I've always seen you as a prophet. Nothing has convinced me to doubt it.

Watchman for Zion
0 points
21 hours ago

"Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" - Benjamin Franklin

Michael Garfinkel
0 points
17 hours ago

Hiding in plain sight is the fact that Biden, his brother, and his son are world-class criminals, selling access, and God knows what else to the highest bidders.

Yet this degenerate - this senile hack - was placed in the office of the presidency by a supine electorate.

As decayed, however, as that electorate is, it is relatively healthy compared to our "Deep State" elites - as evidenced by the frauds perpetrated by the media, so-called "Big Tech," and the intelligence community - all of which lied, cheated and stole to to put Biden into office.

And while the Merrick Garland DOJ criminalizes parents, the FBI buries evidence that implicates the Bidens in numerous "pay to play" criminal enterprises.

Biden, himself of course, returned to power the entire cadre of Obama retreads, who despise the country they are supposed to lead.

The United States is under water - its decline universally acknowledged; and while she may succeed in righting herself, it behooves the Israelis to proceed with greater independence.

This means no PLO consulate in Jerusalem, and more importantly, it requires the Israeli government to stop Iran's bellicose agenda - by any means necessary.

Jeff Bargholz
0 points
18 hours ago

You know this illegitimate administration is implacable in its hatred for Israel and its Jews, right? It will never relent on its goal to harm Israel as much as possible and help the Psuedostinians as much as possible. It may as well be an islamic administration.

Maybe this will work in Israel's favor as a blessing in disguise? Israel doesn't really need America anymore and shouldn't make any concessions. It wouldn't get anything of value in return anyway, right?


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