Sunday, November 28, 2021

Join Us in This Special Tradition...Shalom! The joyous holiday of Hanukkah begins soon, at sundown on November 28th! For eight nights, Jews around the world will light a candle to recall God’s miracles of protection and provision for His people.


International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Join Us in This Special Tradition


The joyous holiday of Hanukkah begins soon, at sundown on November 28th!

For eight nights, Jews around the world will light a candle to recall God’s miracles of protection and provision for His people.

For those of you familiar with my podcast, Nourish Your Biblical Roots, which can be found on the Charisma Podcast Network, I share weekly insights from Jewish teachings and the Torah, specifically for Christians. You can learn more about Hanukkah in my most recent podcast.

I believe, as you do, that we serve this same miracle-working God today! I see it each day as God works through Christians like you supporting the work of The Fellowship to answer the prayers of the “least of these.” 

Since lighting the menorah is such a special tradition for my family to do together, it’s my joy to symbolically share it with you each year, too.

You can “light a candle” of your own right now by selecting a precious soul below who needs a miracle from God today. 

Who do you feel led to dedicate your symbolic “candle” to this sacred season? Whether you light your candle for a frail widow, a helpless child, or a persecuted person this year, please ask God to provide a special miracle to these precious people today.

Thank you for sharing in this beautiful and sacred tradition with me — and for being a light to those who need to feel God’s love. 

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