Father, Your People are calling Thee
Your people are calling
their arms raised high
You name imprinted on their lips
Your people are calling
they sing a song of praise
Dear God, please grow near, they pray
Father we need You
we sing a new song to hasten Your return
Our world is falling
Our hearts are failing
we fall to our knees
we call out to you, Abba
Our days have grown shorter
we sing a song of desperation
we search the heavens for Your return
We cry out loud, Abba
You have been gone so long
please return, Dear Father
we sing such a sad song
Your people need You
There is a sadness so deep
grown men begin to cry
is it now a time to weep
With out You
there is no hope, only defeat
there is nothing left of all mankind
if not for the promises
You said you will keep
if the days were not shorten
no man would be alive
some begged the mountains to fall upon them
so in fear they hoped to hide
When the time of your coming
has been revealed to the world
a new song will be sung
the time for the healing of all mankind,
has now begun to be full filled
When the time of Your Coming
Has been revealed to the world
A new song will be sung
The time for the healing of all mankind
has now begun to be full filled
Praise God, it has been full filled