Tuesday, April 26, 2022

RAPIST PRIEST BACK ON THE JOB NEWS: VIDEO REPORTS...by Kristine Christlieb • ChurchMilitant.com • April 23, 2022 15 Comments Bishop turns a blind eye to crimes



by Kristine Christlieb  •  ChurchMilitant.com  •  April 23, 2022    15 Comments

Bishop turns a blind eye to crimes

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On last night's broadcast, Church Militant provided breaking news footage of a rapist priest assisting in an ordination ceremony. Church Militant's Kristine Christlieb has more details about this important and still-evolving story.

Jay McNally, Catholic investigative journalist: "Bishop Bushu has been outspoken that this was indeed a case of multiple rapes and by the priest, and he suspended him and started the cause of laicization."

An admitted rapist priest, once suspended from ministry, is back on the altar in his home diocese of Buea, Cameroon.

In 2018, Bp. Emmanuel Bushu suspended Fr. Hilary Ngome from ministry after the priest admitted he raped three girls, one of whom aborted the consequent child. The Cameroon native was ordained in Senegal but incardinated in the Cameroon diocese of Buea.

Ngome's crimes were well known.

Fidelis Nkeze, health care executive: "There was a pastoral communiqué back then that informed the parishioners that he had been removed from active ministry."

Despite the very public scandal, a new bishop, Michael Bibi, reinstated Ngome using canon law to justify the move.

McNally: "Bishop Bushu admitted in a tape-recorded conversation that the canon law that is so problematic may be responsible for this admitted rapist, Fr. Ngome — and one of his rapes resulted in abortion — being readmitted into, having his faculties restored."

Ngome has been serving primarily in a behind-the-scenes administrative role in the diocese, but recent public appearances on Palm Sunday and at Thursday's ordination Mass have reignited the faithful's outcry, including that of Bishop Emeritus Bushu.

Bibi came to the Buea diocese in 2019 as apostolic administrator. Within 90 days, he had left a trail of horrors affecting hundreds of people.

Even before he was made bishop, he canceled 78 Nigerian priests, giving them six days to get out. He took control of the assets of a school and orphanage, creating a desperate situation for the children.

Cindy Daniels, board chair, Africa E5 Foundation: "I'm very disheartened, displeased and very upset about what's going on in Buea and with the diocese and the Bp. Bibi there taking the funds illegally." 

A number of other abuses and potential crimes are being investigated, demonstrating a pattern of tyranny.

Nkeze: "So there is a pattern of disregard for due process. I think that is a common theme. I think that is an important part of what this story carries, that this guy shows complete disregard for due process."

The Vatican is notoriously slow and secretive in its deliberations. Catholics in the diocese of Buea deserve for their complaints to be speedily addressed.

Church Militant will be following this developing story that's impacting nearly 300,000 African Catholics in the Buea diocese.


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