See ‘sickening’ photos of Hillary Clinton at the Met Gala causing controversy
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(Video Credit: Vogue)
As former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton strolled the red carpet Monday night at the Met Gala, giving an interview eerily reminiscent of the “Hunger Games,” she was eviscerated on social media for going maskless while having masked attendees dote on her with one photo pretty much saying it all.
The photo showed a maskless, smiling Clinton posing and preening for the cameras in her red Joseph Altuzarra-designed silk-satin gown while being attended to by a kneeling, masked black man, who adjusted the leftist’s dress at the elitist, star-studded celebrity event.
The imagery was shocking and critics tore into the twice-failed presidential candidate over it. Many contended it perfectly depicted elitist privilege.
Conservative radio host Austin Peterson slammed the racist connotations of the photo on Twitter, “From the Antebellum South, to Jim Crow, to modern America, Democrats haven’t really changed all that much. #HillaryClinton.”
“This photo perfectly encapsulates the current state of our country,” conservative commentator Kyle Kashuv remarked.
“So that’s what the Covid theatre was really about… Have the elite swanning around able to show their faces whilst the lowly servers must mask up,” British journalist Dominique Samuels quipped. “It’s like something out of the Hunger Games. Truly sickening @HillaryClinton.”
“The elites at the Met Gala. This pic sums it up,” conservative radio host Ari Hoffman concluded.
“Well, the leak was certainly well-timed to distract from this,” Gov. Ron DeSantis spokesperson Christina Pushaw noted, obviously referring to the leaked SCOTUS draft opinion on Roe v Wade.
“Hillary partying with elite celebrities as this leaks is absolutely perfect. Gamma spent more time with the cast of Hamilton and Hollywood than she spent in Wisconsin in 2016 and here we are,” The Spectator contributing editor Stephen L. Miller snarked.
“They are better than you,” conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong tweeted summing up the optics of the moment.
Cheong would go on to mock another Clinton photo from the gala where she was seen flashing an “OK” hand gesture to someone off-screen, “Hillary Clinton flashes the ‘white power’ gesture at the Met Gala. Hiding in plain sight.”
Clinton’s dress reportedly included the names of 60 famous women in American history who “inspire” the politician, according to Vogue Magazine.
“When someone like Hillary goes to The Met, it’s not just, like, ‘There’s Hillary at The Met and she’s wearing a dress.’ It has a lot of significance,” designer Joseph Altuzarra told Vogue. “I felt like I had to be very thoughtful about what the dress would mean to the theme and to the occasion.”
Clinton is a huge advocate for masking. In 2020, she appeared in a social media campaign backed by Johnson & Johnson to urge Americans to mask up. In February, she was seen sporting a mask outdoors according to reports.
The gala was taking place as news about the leaked Supreme Court opinion draft to overturn Roe vs. Wade surfaced which would kick back abortion law to the individual states.
“Not surprising. But still outrageous,” Clinton railed after hearing the news. “This decision is a direct assault on the dignity, rights, & lives of women, not to mention decades of settled law. It will kill and subjugate women even as a vast majority of Americans think abortion should be legal. What an utter disgrace.”
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