Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Repairman for Biden laptop sues Adam Schiff, CNN, Politico, The Daily Beast for 1 million in damages May 4, 2022 | Kevin Haggerty |


Repairman for Biden laptop sues Adam Schiff, CNN, Politico, The Daily Beast for 1 million in damages

After smears and defamation uprooted his life and drove him to the brink of bankruptcy, the computer repair shop owner responsible for turning Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop over to the authorities is striking back against the “collective and orchestrated effort” of corporate media and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.).

Since the laptop story broke prior to the 2020 presidential election, now 45-year-old John Paul Mac Isaac has held firm to his belief that “if you see something you say something.” What he sees now is evidence of Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast and Politico working together to “block a real story with real consequences,” and that is why he filed suit against them Tuesday for “at least $1 million in compensatory damages [and] punitive damages.”

With the backing of the non-profit group The America Project, founded in part by retired U.S. Army Gen. Michael Flynn, Mac Isaac explained to The New York Post why he taking this issue to court.


“After fighting to reveal the truth, all I want now is for the rest of the country to know that there was a collective and orchestrated effort by social and mainstream media to block a real story with real consequences for the nation,” the former computer repairman said.

“This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence community,” Mac Isaac went on, referencing the oft-cited joint statement that attempted to discredit the since authenticated laptop, “and backed by words and actions of a politically motivated DOJ and FBI. I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and more importantly, who gave the marching orders.”

At the time of the initial report leading up to the election, Schiff had appeared on CNN where he spoke with Wolf Blitzer and, according to the lawsuit, said, “Well we know that this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin. That’s been clear for well over a year now that they’ve been pushing this false narrative about the Vice President and his son.”

“CNN’s broadcast of the false statement accuses the Plaintiff of committing an infamous crime, i.e., treason by working with the Russians to commit a crime against the United States of America by attempting to undermine American democracy and the 2020 Presidential election,” the suit alleges and the repairman noted, “Without any intel, the head of the intel committee decided to share with CNN and its viewers a complete and utter lie. A lie issued in the protection of a preferred presidential candidate.”

Mac Isaac once again recounted the ramifications these assertions had on him, saying, “Twitter initially labeled my action hacking, so for the first day after my information was leaked, I was bombarded with hate mail and death threats revolving around the idea that I was a hacker, a thief and a criminal.”

The situation was only exacerbated by a Politico article that called the laptop “Russian disinfo,” and, as described by the suit, “The article was written by journalist Natasha Bertrand, who seemingly has a history of transforming speculation into fact in the stories upon which she reports.”

The suit further points to an article from The Daily Beast titled “FBI Examining Hunter’s Laptop as Foreign Op, Contradicting Trump’s Intel Czar” which claimed Mac Isaac had “purloined,” in other words stolen, the laptop in question.

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The repairman had to close his shop and relocate to live with family in Colorado. To make matters worse, a previous attempt to file suit against Twitter for defamation was dismissed and he was left having to foot the bill for their legal fees amounting to nearly $175,000. “Bankruptcy,” Mac Isaac said while he was unable to even obtain unemployment benefits, “looks like my only option.”

“[We are] honored to sponsor John Paul Mac Isaac in his fight against the injustice that has been done to him when the political elite coordinated with the leftist news media claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation,” Flynn said, “which was a blatant lie.”

“The synchronized efforts of these parties to wield their words like weapons are evident through years long continuous coverage that led to extreme public backlash against JP and the closing of his business,” he went on.

While none of the named defendants responded to requests for comment at the time of this posting, Mac Isaac noted the suit is about more than him, “The fight to get to the bottom of who told everyone this was Russian disinformation is far more important for the nation than me clearing my name.”

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