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TAKING SIDES ON LIFE NEWS: VIDEO Paul Murano • • May 21, 2022 14 Comments State-level scurrying for the unborn



by Paul Murano  •  •  May 21, 2022    14 Comments

State-level scurrying for the unborn

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In the wake of the Supreme Court leak affecting Roe v. Wade, a flurry of pro-life bills have made their way through legislatures around the country. Church Militant's Paul Murano has some surprising details on where life seems to be winning at the grassroots level.

Many states are introducing and passing bills this year that will protect defenseless preborn children. More than 400 bills have been introduced, containing over 600 pro-life provisions.

Gary Franchi, reporter, Next News Network: "Oklahoma now passing a strong pro-life bill that is sure to enrage the Democrats."

Enacted in Arkansas and pending in Mississippi are laws supporting pregnancy resource centers.

Bill Maher, host, Real Time: "I learned most people who are pro-life are women. Did not know that."

These centers assist women and girls during and far beyond their pregnancies.

Lindsey Ward Callahan, development director, Blue Ridge Women's Center: "We offer free services, pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, parenting classes and a number of other things for people who are facing unplanned pregnancies."

New laws in Florida, Kentucky and South Dakota regulate chemical abortions. Kentucky also enacted legislation requiring respectful handling of the bodily remains of aborted children.

Lila Rose, president, Live Action: "The worst disrespect to a possible murder victim is to fail to give them justice, and then to fail to give them a proper burial."

In addition, 48 cities passed ordinances to become sanctuary cities for the unborn. Other bills advancing include informed consent laws, ultrasound requirements and protecting abortion survivors who are born alive.

Although some Northeast and West Coast states are scampering to protect child murder, pro-life activity is occurring steadily across the nation, often under the radar.

As Church Militant reported Thursday night, the Oklahoma Legislature passed the most pro-life legislation in the country, outlawing prenatal murder except to save the life of the mother.


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