You are missing amazing content! For a limited time, subscribe to the full version of Tipping Point Prophecy Update using this link, and receive 15% off your annual subscription. When you think about heaven, what do you visualize? Is it a hazy realm of clouds and bright light? Or is it something more concrete than that? I think one reason we struggle to comprehend heaven is because our culture has painted it in such intangible terms. But that’s not what the Bible says about heaven. According to Scripture, heaven is a real, physical place—the ultimate paradise. We will be able to touch and feel it. Our senses will be heightened in our new bodies, and we will experience heaven with every one of our senses. Yes, this place will be beyond description and far outside our current ability to comprehend. But it will be real and it will be physical. It’s far more than just the soft, pastel-colored cloud landscape of popular culture. Let’s look at how the Bible describes heaven. The apostle John records this description. I hope you’ll read it in full:
Details, Foundations and LevelsIn this passage, when John writes about the “bride” and the “wife,” he means believers. We are the bride of Christ, and we will become His wife. He gives us specific details:
There are two possible ways to explain these foundations. One is that there will be twelve foundations underneath the 1,380-mile-high wall. Another possibility is there are twelve stories with a foundation at each level. Honestly, I don’t know which interpretation is correct. If there were twelve stories in that structure, each one would be more than 100 miles above the next. So if the city is twelve levels high and you lived on one of them, you might live on the Peter level near the Judah gate. Or you might live on the Andrew level by the Ruben gate. No matter where you live in this city, it will be beautiful, beyond human description, and eternal. You will move in but never have to move out. (Currently, the average American moves every four years, even though most people hate moving.) In the heavenly city, you will never have to move again. Beyond Your Wildest DreamsIn today’s real estate market, builders have certain set plans to build houses in new subdivisions. If you are shopping for a home in one of these areas, you probably have limited choices of models. Sometimes these are called “cookie cutter” homes or “McMansions.” I do not believe this is the way Jesus is preparing our mansions. God didn’t use a cookie cutter to make people, and He’s not going to use one to make our mansions either. You won’t have to worry that your house will look exactly like your neighbors’ house. It is going to be a house that looks like you, designed for you. In fact, I believe you are going to walk into your house in heaven, and your jaw will drop. You will look around and think: This is me! It won’t be your “dream home.” No, it will be a “beyond-your-wildest-dreams home.” Every detail of your new house will fit your personality exactly. This mansion is only part of the reward for giving yourself to Jesus and living for Him. Every believer will have one. A House without WorriesHere on earth, many people struggle with the financial cost of a house, but in heaven there’s no struggle. There will be no payments, no upkeep, no insurance, no taxes, no need for a security system or pest control, and no utilities. You won’t need to mow the yard or repair the fence. Everything in your house will be composed of precious stones, gold, and pearls. It will be stunningly gorgeous with colors and textures no one on earth has ever seen before. You won’t have utilities to worry about, either, because your power source is Jesus Himself:
How much would you have to love someone to buy them a house, pay all the bills, and expect nothing in return? Most of us would only do it for our spouses. Jesus will do it for us because we are His Bride. It took God six days to create the earth, but Jesus has been in heaven for more than 2,000 years preparing a place for you. Imagine how amazing it must be. He explicitly told the disciples, “I’m leaving and going to My Father’s house. There are many mansions there. I’m going to prepare a place for you. As surely as I leave, I’ll come back and get you so you can be with Me forever.” (See John 14:2-3.) The Tree of LifeI don’t know how nice your house is here on earth, though I do hope it is a comfortable one. But I can tell you it’s going to feel like a rubbish heap compared to what the Lord is preparing for you. Remember, Jesus said to lift up our heads and look up. In other words, don’t become so focused on earthly things that you forget about your Lord and the place He is preparing for you. Enjoy the blessings of earth, but don’t marry them. Save the wedding for Jesus. He is building your home in the Father’s house, and it is a real place. But there’s more than just houses there. In the middle of our eternal home is the Tree of Life:
Remember, the original home for humanity was the Garden of Eden. Humanity was kicked out of that home because Adam and Eve chose to eat from the wrong tree (see Genesis 3). They could have chosen the right tree. They could have chosen eternal life. The good news is God still has that tree, and He has planted it in the new Eden, our eternal home. We will eat of the Tree of Life, and death will be no more! I hope this article gives you a little more to imagine when you think of your eternal future in the presence of Jesus. It’s far more than clouds and sunlight. In involves custom homes, foundations and gates. It includes a gorgeous tree. It involves a place prepared just for you. And it will be filled with the shining glory of God. Look up, because this incredible future is drawing near. You’re a free subscriber to Tipping Point Prophecy Update. For the full experience, become a paying subscriber using the link below to receive 15% off your annual subscription. |